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If more than one donor for the RM2.6b, how many are there?

YOURSAY | ‘Not one of us believe you, Zahid. And, of course, the same goes with Najib.’

DPM confirms RM2.6b came from 'donors'

SusahKes: See if I get this right, now that there is more than one 'donor'.

Now try and imagine this - many 'donors' agree to pool the funds together on the same day and time, and then wire the RM2.6 billion to PM Najib Razak's bank account?

Or, all 'donors' got together and placed their monies with one of them before sending the money to Najib.

Can you accept the logic? Will anyone in Umno ask the PM about this?

Odin Tajué: DPM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, I have said on several occasions here that if you want to lie, you must have two qualities - 1) be intelligent; and 2) have a good memory.

You need to be intelligent so that you can fabricate lies that are convincing and believable. You need to have a good memory so that you can remember all the lies that you have told and not come up with another one that will contradict any of the previous ones and thus tell on you.

You are sadly lacking in both. All this time, all of you have been saying ‘donor', that is, one person, singular.

I will remind you that only recently, you claimed that you had met with the representative of ‘ the donor ' - one person, singular. Which, of course, none of us with at least a creditable measure of intellect believed and still do not; we all knew it was a blatant lie.

But because so very many people have said so very many times that no one would donate such a colossal sum of money, Najib said ‘donors' just a few days ago. And now you are also echoing his claim.

Not one of us believe you, Zahid. And, of course, the same goes with Najib.

Vijay47: Fairy tales, even those with wizards, villains, and wicked stepmothers, are plentiful of twists and turns.

But when it comes to Umno and tellers of tales like Zahid, it is the story itself that undergoes fabulous changes.

‘The Tale of 1MDB’ is one such tale. From the start, from chapter one itself, we have been regaled with changes at every corner, about treasure chests overflowing with profits, no riches going astray, the money is here, it is there, in cash, in units.

Then suddenly, we learn that there is a fairy godfather, Aladdin! Who without even a magic lamp, was able to conjure up RM2.6 billion, enough to pay the ransoms of countless sheikhs and perhaps a wannabee emperor and his concubine.

Now the court jester tells us that it was not Aladdin, but Ali Baba. Complete with his 40 ‘thieves’.

What will tomorrow reveal? Perhaps in keeping with the season, we may be told that the funds came from the Stormtroopers. Help me, Obi-wan, you're my only hope.

Limfly: Yes, what a joke. Since it is unbelievable that one donor would give RM2.6 billion to Najib, they have now changed the story to 'donors' to make it more believable.

Who is Umno trying to fool? Only themselves.

Pahatian: When the 'donation' thing first came out, Zahid confirmed that he has met the donor’s representative but we do not know where and when.

Now he is saying that there is more than one donor. So did he also meet the other donor or donors? Where and when?

He can fool the Umno delegates but he can't fool us.

Eagle: No sane Malaysian will believe this spin. Indeed, the PM and DPM are just trying to fool themselves.

This RM2.6 billion and 1MDB issue will not go away no matter how long it takes. We will not be happy until the culprits are jailed.

Dingy: The source of fund that was deposited into Najib's AmIslamic bank account came from British Virgin Islands via a bank affiliated to Abu Dhabi.

An Abu Dhabi investment fund had a joint venture with 1MDB. A sum of US$3.5 billion was earlier raised through Goldman Sach.

It's likely the money is part of US$3.5 billion. It cannot be a donation.

DontPlayGod: You mean people will give a whopping RM2.6 billion for nothing?

If the opposition has received even RM1 million, Umno-BN would have come down on them like a ton of bricks and say that it has betrayed the nation.

Saya Pun Nak Cari Makan: As long as the names are not revealed, the only conclusion is that there were never any donors. And, the money ill-gotten.

Gaji Buta: Usually we have one person, or at most, a very small group involved in this kind of scandal, with the majority outraged and seeking the truth.

However, in Malaysia we have the opposite, where the thousands, if not millions, play along with the purported wrongdoing, and a small minority seeking the truth.

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