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Dr M's elders council is undemocratic, it’s best to oust Najib

YOURSAY | ‘Mahathir, don’t get confused between party and national policies.’

Najib takes swipe at Dr M's council of elders proposal

Just a Malaysian: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad should enforce the true principles of democracy, rather than weaken it with an archaic council of elders. His idea sounds very Taliban.

Rick Teo: Without any advice from others, people like Prime Minister Najib Razak can run riot and do what they like.

Any elected leader would have resigned long ago, but this leader is clinging to the post as if he has inherited it from his father.

Democracy: While the council of elders suggested by Mahathir is against the federal constitution, this concept can be imposed onto the BN or Umno president who is to be made the PM.

That should be the condition for those who want to stand for the post of president of BN or Umno.

After all, it is by tradition that Umno-BN elects the coalition president who is designated to be the PM if BN wins the GE.

Therefore, it is not wrong for the ruling party to have such a condition on those they elect to represent them. So Mahathir, do not get confused between party and national policies.

Your proposal is okay from the party point of view, but not from the PM's point of view. If Pakatan Harapan comes into power, they can have their own set of rules to guide their designated PM through the parties that put him up as their candidate for the post.

The rakyat would vote according to what they feel is the better system the political parties adopt as checks and balance.

Anonymous 759151446791429: Dr M thinks he is god. He chose his successors, and now one by one he tries to bring them down.

He divided this country with his racist policies, and now he wants to correct it. Sorry to say this, but Dr M is as good as deadwood.

Anonymous 2384491447379335: If Mahathir were still the PM now, he would probably have detained all his critics under the Internal Security Act (ISA) by now.

He is behaving like he hasn't made any mistakes, when in fact he has made lots.

Ong Seng Swee: Najib, please remember that no matter how powerful you think you are, you are still the son to your father and mother.

What Dr M is suggesting is if we had a group of people well-versed and experienced in the law, traditions and love the people, they would not have advised you to set up 1MDB and lose billions of ringgit.

Odysseus: Najib doesn't know what he is talking about.

While he may be right that a council of unelected elders is undemocratic, what has he got to say about Umno's supreme council, which are unelected by the rakyat but by Umno members, which he fears may overthrow him?

LifeFlier: Hello Najib, more than 50 percent of eligible voters in Malaysia didn't choose you in GE13.

You've secured your power, but you've lost the support of the majority of Malaysians, and now the trust from your party elders as well.

Victor Johan: Going by Najib's pathetic logic that any form of council not elected by the people that aims to supervise a leader can be described as undemocratic and against the federal constitution based on democratic principles, then why are the police conducting constant harassment against the elected MPs from the opposition camp?

Some gutted logic there.

Ex-envoy: Najib leading Malaysia’s impressive growth

Rick Teo: John Dauth, you were Australian ambassador to Malaysia from 1993 to 1996. That was almost 20 years ago. Today is 2015.

So don't think you know what is happening in this country. And if you don't know, please desist from commenting on something you don't have first-hand knowledge of. It makes you look like a fool.

Onyourtoes: A former envoy knows exactly how many new jobs Najib has created. Do you smell rat? The rest of the article seems like one written by a government outfit.

The Analyser: Unfortunately, all those jobs mentioned by Dauth were filled by immigrant workers leaving more and more parasitic Malaysians to live off the government.

I've always wondered where the Malaysian government gets their unemployment figures from. It's not like the unemployed would be registering for government handouts.

Appum: Is this another Umno outsourced foreign writer, who has not shown his credible sources of information?

This is 2015, not the 1990s. Has any past PM shown to have had RM2.6 billion banked into his private account before?

That single issue itself is sufficient fodder to make a PM resign from his position. Be it a donation, a commission, a corporate 'kung fu' exercise, such a practice is basically wrong.

You can develop Malaysia into developed ultra-status, but that does not absolve a leader from

having misled its people.

Do you think Singapore former PM Lee Kuan Yew could accept a RM2.6 billion 'donation' into his private bank account for what he has done for Singapore?

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