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For some, Bangladeshi workers mean easy money

YOURSAY | ‘Pity that our PM can’t even tell off his deputy for such obnoxious behaviour.’

Zahid causes stir in Dhaka by putting off workers’ MoU

Turvy: The above picture says everything. Our threatening ministers, our attitude to foreign workers, the obsequious civil servants and the hapless media too astonished to even take pictures.

But look also at the workers, every pair of eyes, focused and frightened, but also with an intelligence neither the minister nor his cohorts have.

You can hear their message – “Point your fingers now at us. We are the poor beggared others you think you can intimidate. Never mind, because for RM3,000, we give you not only our labour that you squeeze from us, but also new generations of your people that we squeeze with our seeds. The finger you point at us points at your progeny, the people who will populate this land.”

On another point, I thought we are a free economy with a Competition Act that regulates among other things, monopolies and unfair trade practices, or have we ditched that notion and that Act with all our other principles?

If there is such a law, can we also inquire from the Bangladeshi high commissioner or other big shot, how such a blatantly unfair condition can be imposed. Surely Bangladesh has a right to choose who they appoint?

Legit: Why must the workers be charged such a large sum of money to come here to work?

These are poor people who have to support their family and RM3,000 converted to the Bangladesh currency is a lot of money for them. They practically have to sell everything they own to pay this money.

The minister and his cronies are fattening themselves using these poor people's hard-earned money.

Anonymous_40f4: Malaysia is now flooded with millions of lowly-educated foreign workers.

Bringing in foreign workers has gone out of control because for Umno warlords and cronies it is easy money.

It’s no more whether we need them, it’s more about Umno's greed. In the long term, the rakyat are going to suffer because of this uncontrolled influx of foreign workers.

Tailek: And the saddest thing is our PM cannot even tell off his deputy for such obnoxious behaviour because he himself is saddled with so much baggage.

This country is slowly going to the dogs because of our leadership.

Unafraid: Yet another big scandal on the way. When will our leaders have the integrity to do what is right and best for the nation and not at every available opportunity think only of enriching themselves and their cronies?

When can we get good and honest leaders who will lead our nation the way our Founding Fathers did?

Has corruption in Malaysia become so systemic that we are slowly dying from this incurable cancer? God forbid!

Southpaw: When it comes to money, these cronies will care less about the Muslim brotherhood.

Tawfik: Dr M lost more money than 1MDB

Aries46: If it is true that G25 is a non-political entity that adopts a hands-off policy regardless of the political, economic and financial turmoil and scandals that rocks the nation, then whatever political rhetoric being spewed by G25 member Tawfik Ismail against former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad reflects on the integrity of the group regardless of its claim that the views are his own.

In that event, Tawfik's presence at the meeting with Mahathir is questionable, and as the former PM pointed out, not to be trusted. As the meeting was an internal matter, Tawfik should not capitalise on what had transpired to seek political mileage.

As 'a group of eminent Malaysians', there was much hope placed on them not to take sides in politics but to at least make a stand and speak up on matters that ail the nation and its people.

Why confine to race and religion that is already the forte of wayward groups like Perkasa, Isma and countless others that practically survive on it?

Anonymous 637541435986091: Tawfik, losing money through investments and plundering taxpayers’ money are two different things.

RM2.6billion Duit Haram: Tawfik, your reason for not helping Mahathir in getting rid of Najib is ridiculous. It is akin to if you were once a robber, you cannot take action against another robber.

Anyway, Mahathir is only one of the many Malaysians who want to see Najib removed from his job. And the majority of them are people toiling and sweating for a meagre income, while billions are allegedly siphoned into private accounts of leaders so easily.

Simple Malaysian: As the man on the street, let me say that what is needed is a genuine reform of the government. Getting rid of Najib alone is not going to solve anything.

We all know that getting rid of Najib is only going to bring another monster to the fore so long as Umno-BN is in power.

It would certainly do good for Umno and its partners to move to the opposition bench for at least a good two to three terms and reform itself, and if they are sincere enough, they will be able to return to govern the country again.

JoeJie: No one can deny that this dark road we are headed down was first paved by Dr M.

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