YOURSAY | ‘It's the system that needs changing, not just corrupt leaders.’
Ex-PM to Ambiga: My priority to change PM, not Umno
SteveOh: If former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad's aim is to topple a democratically elected leader, that is quite different from the desire of the people to change the whole system and with it any leader who is found to be corrupt.
Mahathir is talking and acting true to form when he divulged he wants to topple a leader who does not measure up to his expectations.
In this sense he is no reformer, merely indulging in politics of a personality cult and opens himself to the same charges he is dishing out to PM Najib Razak.
Mahathir may have to answer to allegations of his wrongdoings while in power. For now, Mahathir should stick to his mission in finding Najib culpable in the 1MDB fiasco.
The pot may be calling kettle black, but that's incidental. Mahathir can't have his cake and eat it. The system must change, corrupt leaders must go. It’s the system that breeds corrupt leaders.
Ferdtan: This is exactly the trouble with Mahathir. It is all about him. It is always about his agenda and not the country’s.
It is our wish and National Human Rights Society president Ambiga Sreenevasan’s to see change in the whole nation’s system, not just replacing Najib as PM.
When a system is rotten beyond redemption, no leader in Umno can alter the course for reform. We need systemic change, not just a change of the leader.
We shall not support Mahathir in his personal agenda as he still thinks that our system of governance has not broken.
Talk about recalcitrance: he is one fine example. Mahathir is delusional, thinking he is still powerful and that he always gets what he wants.
One thing good about this Mahathir-Najib’s tussle - Najib’s desperation to hold on to power has exposed Mahathir as a toothless tiger.
Anonymous_1416272691: If what Mahathir says is true, then it is not only one person who is corrupted, a lot of the leaders are also corrupted.
A kingdom divided will not stand. That is why it is so difficult to remove any of its leaders. You remove one, a similar one will take his place and there will be no end to it.
When a house is too old and its pillars and foundations have rotted, you tear it down and build a better one.
Aries46: It is Umno members who give legitimacy to Najib and keep him in power for their mutual benefit.
The members are well aware of the weaknesses in the party and leadership and are milking it in return for leasing out power to its leaders.
If these are left intact after Najib is removed, the corrupt system will remain. How long will it be before the new leadership gets on the bandwagon and get the ball rolling all over again, maybe with 2MDB this time?
The fish rots from the head and if it has set in, it will rot all the way to the tail. So what is the point of cutting the head alone?
CQ Muar: Dear Mahathir, your defence is that Umno had been a good party and was led by good people.
It was also true that the problem stemmed from leaders who were consumed by greed and corruption, which ultimately led the party to become what it is today.
In this context, may we humbly ask you, who had originally initiated the scourge which you presently lament? Would it be too much to assume you were the source of this predicament?
You're now struggling to dislodge and uproot the sins you had planted. Unfortunately, those who were once devoted and in alliance with you have now abandoned you and turned adversaries.
As they say, you reap what you sow.
Benghazi: “Umno is not open to new members because the old members do not want to be challenged by capable people,” said Mahathir.
Let's ask him - did he like being challenged when he was PM? No. That's why he put Anwar Ibrahim in jail on trumped-up charges. This was then copied by Najib, who lacked originality, and came up with Sodomy II.
This is the problem with Umno leaders. They think they are indispensable and nobody else can do a better job than them.
They have failed to groom young leaders. Umno is now without a succession plan. It has to make way for another coalition.
BTN: Mahathir, even former DPM Muhyiddin Yassin says that the people in Umno are cowards. How are they going to make tough and unpopular decisions when required?
Anonymous_4020: Dr M doesn't seem to understand that the reason the country in this mess is not because of Najib alone but the fault of Umno's leaders who are still backing Najib.
Indeed, the problem is not Najib. The problem is Umno. We need to get rid of the corrupt Umno.
7888888: Mahathir, perhaps it is time for another name change for the party. From Umno to Umno Baru, and now, Umno Bersih.
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