YOURSAY | ‘It seems his job is to protect 1MDB instead of protecting the country.’
Bank Negara mustn't make 1MDB its whipping boy, says AG
The question is not about Bank Negara not requesting for certain information, but rather it is about the central bank finding documents with false information.
It seems like the AG (attorney-general) is delivering his summary judgement on the Bank Negara's investigation, rather than allowing the court to examine and adjudicate the case.
There certainly must be a compelling reason for Bank Negara to request twice for the AG to review their investigation.
That the AG did not bother to even discuss and clarify the matter with Bank Negara first, and rushed into closing the case raises more questions.
A company which has repeatedly delayed submitting its audited financial reports, and refused to provide information requested by its own advisors, is surely not above board.
But is the AG himself above board? The legal fraternity must not sit still watching this travesty of justice, for more will come.
Patriot1: How do you deal with an AG who doesn't understand Bafia (Banking and Financial Institutions Act)?
Full disclosure is mandatory when financial institutions seek approval from Bank Negara and separate approval or endorsement by Bank Negara is necessary if there is any deviation or alteration of the original terms of approval.
Failure to comply is a very serious offence and the financial institution may be fined huge amounts and officials responsible may be subject to prosecution.
AG Mohamed Apandi Ali stand is “if you don't ask, no need tell”. The very thought that this man is our AG is indeed a mockery to our legal system.
Save Our Currency: Omission is not the issue here. You declare that money was meant for one purpose but do another.
When you transfer the original sum from one bank to another, the stated reason still applies. And it was only later Bank Negara found it was a false declaration.
The question is simple: what was the reason you stated when filling in the form. Did you comply with what you said? If you didn't, then an offence has been committed.
And this involved billions of ringgit. The world is asking why the false declaration. The AG should answer that or live in shame.
That's why there is a need to bring back the money which was sent out on false premises.
Mushiro: 1MDB has never been made a whipping boy but it has always been treated like a golden child.
All the mismanagement and fraud in 1MDB has been conveniently ignored. Prime land were sold to 1MDB at very much below market price. Many officers investigating 1MDB were transferred out to frustrate the investigation.
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and the special task force were dismantled. The laws have been bent to protect 1MDB. In fact, the very appointment of Apandi as AG is solely to protect 1MDB.
Hytan: The AG said, "How could 1MDB be faulted as it has filled up the form as required and responded to the queries made?"
So going by the AG’s comments, when filing of our income tax returns, we can also enter whatever information as required by IRB (Inland Revenue Board) but if we were later hauled up by the tax authorities for false declaration, we should not be faulted.
Rupert16: The approving authority, Bank Negara, does not need to seek clarification from the applicant, in this case 1MDB, if it knows that 1MDB has not been truthful or being economical with the information when applying to remit large amount of public funds overseas.
Now that we all have found about 1MDB scam, it seems that the Apandi's job is to protect 1MDB from prosecution instead of protecting the country and the rakyat's interest.
Bystander: If 1MDB has adopted dubious and illegitimate means to circumvent the financial procedures in the moving of funds (both outgoing and incoming), then Bank Negara could recommend the relevant authority to file charges accordingly.
It just like you cannot blame the police for arresting you later if they found you speeding as recorded in their speed camera.
The onus is on you to observe the speed permitted on each stretch of the highway. The police cannot be forever reminding you about it.
Anonymous_1371482984: Irrespective of whether 1MDB is guilty of any of offence, Bank Negara has made a decision for the repatriation of the funds back to Malaysia.
1MDB has replied it is unable to do so. It has not appeal to Bank Negara to review its directive. What is Bank Negara going to do with someone who disobeys its directive?
If nothing, then what is the use of any regulatory body if its directive can be ignored. The AG has no business to interfere with Bank Negara's directive or is he going to say that 1MDB need not comply with Bank Negara's directive?
Speechless: I find it strange that the AG is defending 1MDB. If Bank Negara has already found wrongdoing on the part of 1MDB, the AG should prosecute and let 1MDB defend itself.
Bank Negara vs AG: All eyes now on Zeti’s response
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