YOURSAY | ‘Even if 1MDB were to make good, that does not negate the fraud committed.’
'Everyone wants 1MDB resolved but nobody is giving it time'
Had it been a straightforward case of 1MDB suffering a spate of serious bad luck in its business ventures which have not even quite taken off, the Malaysian public would have given it all the time in the world for it to turn around.
After all, we have been equally tolerant of almost every GLC (government-linked company) in town, who seem specialists in incurring losses.
BN strategic communications chief Abdul Rahman Dahlan cunningly acknowledges the elephant in the room but chooses to call it a mousedeer.
Sir, time is the last thing you grant a company when the entire management, in fact its sole objective in life, seems devoted to daylight robbery of not only what it owns, but also everything it can borrow.
Any more time and we will not be able to collect even the bones.
Pahatian: Abdul Rahman, you have indeed totally missed the point. It's not about giving more time to 1MDB so that it can make a turnaround; it's about a grand scheme of siphoning off money from 1MDB in dubious deals or transactions, and the abuse of power in covering up the wrongdoings.
Hmmmmmmmm: It is never about bad business decisions or wrong investments, etc, for which we can understand and give it time to recover.
Here, we are talking about possibility of fraud. Even if 1MDB were to finally make tonnes of profit, that does not negate the element of fraud.
Any wrongdoers will still need to be charged. As for giving it time to turnover, this is a totally different matter unrelated to the investigation. Please don't mix the two together.
2Kali5: Yes, it is not a question of turning around a loss-making venture. All the hue and cry is about the suspicion of improprieties that have possibly raked up a huge debt that may require a massive government bailout.
Urgent investigation has to been done to bring those who may have committed fraud to account for their act.
Anonymous_1421806811: This not-so-wise minister is, as usual, missing the forest for the trees. In order for 1MDB to be successful in the future, it has to bring all those who put it in such a bad state to justice.
Everyone understands 1MDB needs time to recover, but the rakyat is extremely annoyed in the way Najib derailed and delayed the investigations into 1MDB.
There are certainly wrongdoings by top 1MDB executives in the past. We want them brought to justice.
Only then can CEO Arul Kanda bring back confidence to 1MDB. So Arul, of all people, should expose the culprits rather than protect them.
SRMan: Abdul Rahman, the Umno-BN government's plan to resolve the 1MDB issue by disposing off assets - questionably acquired at dirt cheap prices from the country - to settle its debts does not really interest us.
Any sane person can make tons of money if given this same 'opportunity'. What the rakyat really wants to know is the huge chunk of money allegedly missing or stolen from 1MDB.
And in this aspect, you can't say that everyone wants the issue to be resolved, at least not Najib.
If he had wanted to, he would not have made the many unethical moves to cripple the investigations on the imbroglio. Period.
Commentable: Abdul Rahman, you talk about giving time to 1MDB, but time to do what?
Or do you really mean giving Najib time? Time enough for him to collect more taxes from the taxpayers perhaps so that he can sort out the financial discrepancies?
Yes, we know almost RM50 billion is a big sum to turn around and you can't collect taxes in one go to achieve that, but certainly asking for six months over and over again cannot be the answer.
Do you know that time is a major factor why an investigation trail gets cold? The criminal has the chance to cover his tracks, or that he can replace the things stolen with something else. Either way, the criminal gets away scot-free.
So you see, the problem has never been about a business that has gone bad, although you would want to portray it, as well as pretend, it to be the case.
Turvy: Abdul Rahman, everyone wants the issue solved, but not with your lies.
There were fairly reliable groups appointed to investigate. All that was scuttled. The attorney-general was forced to leave. Officers involved in the investigation transferred, the Bank Negara ignored.
So what the hell are you talking about giving it more time? It’s time the whole ‘greedy beyond belief’ bunch of you to pack up and leave.
(): Yes, the issue is not about turning the company around. The issue is about the alleged missing money and the indefensible excuses given, it's about cash one day, units the next, it's about the absurdity of the transactions and alleged illegalities.
Turning the company around, even if remotely possible, does not and should not detract us the rakyat from asking the legitimate questions on the underlying issues of governance and legalities.
1MDB needs more time? But justice can’t wait
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