YOURSAY | ‘If TPPA is inked, it's Umno which sells out the interests of the Malays.’
Will DAP defend bumi rights in TPPA, asks Perkasa chief
Swipenter: Umno is the government. It is the Umno government which did all the negotiations regarding TPPA (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement). No one else was involved.
Don't forget Umno is the ferocious self-appointed defender and champion of the Malays and their special rights and privileges.
Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali, if the TPPA strips some of your special privileges away, you can always together with Jamal Md Yunos, Ali Tinju, Isma and host of other Malay NGOs organise a massive red shirt rally at PWTC where Umno headquarters is located to defend your pride and dignity.
TPPA would affect all Malaysians, with some benefits as well as some disadvantages. You and your kind only want the benefits and not the disadvantages.
Sans Prejudice: This astounding frog has made a giant leap out of his familiar habitat into the world of big leaguers by having a discourse on TPPA, or so he thinks.
Does he really know the mechanics of TPPA in the first instance? TPPA is a global accord initiated by United States.
It encompasses all nationalities of the signatory nations. It does not differentiate the whites, blacks or yellow and transcends all racial make-up and religions.
DAP can shout all they want to register their anti-TPPA sentiment until they croak like a frog, it is futile because the PM has cast his lot by consorting with the US in agreeing in principle to join TPPA.
Unfortunately Ibrahim’s narrow interpretation of TPPA and his outlandish dare to DAP to oppose the trade pact to protect bumiputera rights only qualifies him to remain in his wee pond with the little tadpoles and dawdle over his parochial understanding of local politics.
Anonymous #70881335: If Perkasa is so worried about the fate of the Malays, then there is more reason for Perkasa to try to make the Malays more independent and more self-reliant and more self-confident in facing the world.
Certainly Perkasa will not help the Malay cause by asking for more protection and privileges. It will only make the Malays weaker. Ask any successful Malay today, and they will tell you that their success is more from their own efforts than through privileges.
The Umnoputras, however, are a different story.
Vent: Here’s a very simple answer. Why should anyone defend bumi rights in TPPA? After all, you have done such an excellent job of defending bumi rights in almost every sphere of Malaysian life. Why don’t you just carry on? Or have you rotund retards run out of steam and need medication?
But with the TPPA and given your gluttony and parasitic life, the cost of the medication for your heart, hypertension and cholesterol will hit the roof. That’s when you will realise how your mainly bumi government has done you in with the TPPA.
In the meantime, I suggest you and your well-fed rabble rousers exercise and lose weight or better still get a proper job instead of lounging around ministries waiting for handouts or threatening to ride piggy back on hard-working Malaysians.
Going on a rampage through the streets of Kuala Lumpur or Penang won’t do the trick either because you will get paid to eat even more. So just hit the road and jog along with Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin. It will at least aerate your brains.
Wira: It is irrelevant whether DAP supports TPPA because if the adoption of this agreement passes Parliament, it's Umno which would have sold out the interests of the Malays.
So there is no need to drag DAP into this because no one besides BN and some government officials have seen the full agreement.
GE14NOW!: Ibrahim, perhaps this has nothing to do with the TPPA but something to do with protecting Malay rights.
I believe that it was a certain MP from the DAP who stood up for the rights of one Malay girl who was sexually harassed by a CM in Malacca. For his actions, he was jailed. Have you done anything like that lately?
Once again, you play the race card. What sort of a morally-bankrupt moron are you?
Vijay47: A very good question, Ibrahim Ali. We non-Malays would also like to ask whether you and your friends would in turn defend non-Malay rights.
But from what we have seen so far, your breed is only concerned with shaking legs, taking the easy road, and extorting benefits from others who have to slog and sweat for their due rewards.
And if you don't get your way, you can always hold rallies and create tension in the country.
Daniel: Years ago, you wanted crutches and were given crutches. Then you wanted wheelchairs and were given wheelchairs.
Forty-five years down the road, you want motorised ones not realising that others, by their hard work and diligence have driven away the obstacles you have put in their path.
Demystifying the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Anonymous_1371520909: Don't have negative perception on everything that the government does.
TPPA will bring more benefits in terms of new investment. The United States might use Malaysia as a gateway for their industries to enter the Asean market. Look at the big picture.
Anonymous 891621434433692 : The TPPA would lock in most regulatory regimes. It is not about trade and tariffs, these are largely settled matters.
Malaysia will be required to harmonise domestic laws on banking and finance. So we will be completely open to predatory foreign participation.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) correctly identifies the TPPA as a means to implement the US Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) and the Protect IP Act (Pipa) legislation that was defeated in the US.
It would eliminate the Personal Data Protection Act here. The Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) creates a supra-national arbitration panel that can vacate laws passed "democratically".
It is a giant giveaway to big pharmaceutical corporations: increasing drug prices, "evergreening" of expired patents and reducing the ability of injured patients to seek legal remedy.
The TPPA abrogates national sovereignty, and any parliamentarian who signs it is a "trade traitor".
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