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Don't expect PM to pick up Bersih’s gauntlet

YOURSAY | ‘The ‘prime fund-raiser’ will probably ask for another six months...’

Bersih gives funds breakdown, dares PM to do the same

GE14NOW!: It is interesting that the donations for Bersih 4 rally also came up to RM2.6 with the difference between a few zeros after the decimal point.

The ‘prime fund-raiser’ will probably ask for another six months before he can show how he spent his RM2.6 billion, and of course meanwhile hoping that people will forget about it.

Anonymous 2358311441466692: Kudos to the honest and ethical Malaysians who run Bersih 2.0. Shame on the PM and his cabinet. They don't deserve any respect from the rakyat.

They are spinners of lies and totally unfit for the high offices they hold. The faster Malaysia is rid of them, the more prosperous the people and the country.

The Analyser: More pathetic attempts at one-upmanship by Bersih. Well, you are going to fail... again.

Like you always do, because Umno has no shame and refuses to even consider your petty little attempts at this ‘brilliant’ strategy.

Now if you could actually come up with some bright new ideas attractive to the whole of Malaysia, then Malaysia might take some notice of you ... even if Umno doesn't.

Anonymous 1230461438193244: The Analyser, we all know how high your horse is. All I am asking is get off it once in a while and come back down to earth, where reality is.

What you wanted and is asking for is a perfect system. This only happen in Hollywood or Peter Pan's Never Never Land.

One thing I absolutely agree with you is that, nothing should be based on race, religion, ethnicity, colour, creed, etc. The only country that is close to achieving this, in my opinion, is the United Kingdom.

Having said that, UK is still not there yet.

Anonymous 1230461438193244: The Analyser, for the very first since I 'known' you through sharing our comments in Malaysiakini , you are actually taking reality in consideration and talking sense, judging by your last few comments.

And I would not disagree with you on that count. We 'shout' and 'abused' among ourselves, but if that is what it takes to reach a sensible conclusion for the good of the country and everyone, so be it.

In my opinion, sharing and non-selfishness and compassion is the key.

Anonymous_1419570792: Can we have the funds breakdown of the red shirt rally too?

Obey rule of law, sultans remind leaders

CQ Muar: The 239th meeting of the Conference of Rulers comes at a time when the country is sinking deeper into the brink of doom under the leadership of PM Najib Abdul Razak.

The country's woes brought about by those deplorable scandals involving Najib seemed to have taken a heavy toll, and there appear no end in sight.

Billions siphoned by leaders at the expense of the poor, government administration comes to a standstill, racism and injustices on the rise, etc, and all these are tearing the country apart.

The decree hailing from the wisdom of the sultans come at a most significant moment to save the nation from those highly corruptible, irresponsible and incompetent leaders.

As such, we extent our warmest gratitude and wish to all the sultans. Daulat tuanku!

Res Ipsa: The message from the rulers is very clear in that the current political and economic climate in the country is untenable.

Besides the message to the political leaders to uphold the rule of law, the thrust of the message is directed at Mohamed Apandi Ali (attorney-general), Ariffin Zakaria (chief justice), Zeti Akhtar Aziz (Bank Negara governor) and MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) to carry out their tasks with integrity.

Clearly there must be something very wrong with the way such institutions have been functioning lately for the rulers to come out with such a strong message. The judiciary in particular would have to sit up and take note of this admonishment by the rulers.

The doctrine of precedent need to be adhered to and uncertainty should not be created such as the recent fiasco in the Court of Appeal. Allowing someone to be tried again for an offence from which he has been acquitted does not bode well for the image of the country.

To the judges, do you really need to stoop so low just to please one person calling the shots? The ball is in your court.

It is apparent from the rulers’ message that Najib and co have been bending the rules to their benefit and not giving a damn about the rule of law. How else can one read or interpret such a clear-cut message that is so strongly worded?

Negarawan: Syabas to the Council of Rulers for saying the right thing. However, action always speaks louder than words.

It is far more important for the rulers not to blindly approve any proposal brought to them by the government of the day.

For example, what were the grounds for the removal of the previous attorney-general (Abdul Gani Patail)? Can this approval be rescinded if the actions of the government were later found to be unlawful and unethical?

Worried Sick: "The Malay rulers wish to remind all leaders to uphold the constitution and the rule of law at all times, as written in the Rukun Negara."

The statement by their royal highnesses is not just a slap on the wrists of the authorities. It is a direct slap on their faces.

Can anyone remember a statement like this made by the rulers in all their deliberations so far? It is high time that those who are responsible to do their duties without fear or favour and bring the country back to normalcy.

The rulers have spoken. Let it be done!

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