YOURSAY ‘Ex-MCA chief has stated publicly that Najib helped himself to public funds.’
Ex-MCA chief joins Dr M's call for Najib's ouster
Odin Tajué:
PM Najib Abdul Razak, ex-MCA chief Ling Liong Sik has stated publicly that you have helped yourself to public funds and deposited them into your personal bank accounts.
In plain language, he has said that you have stolen money rightfully owned by the citizens. The sum, of course, is US$681 million plus RM42 million. This is a very serious allegation. And it has come from no less a personage than a former senior cabinet minister.
If you do not take action against him, then his allegation is true.
Anonymous_1371539655: Ling, if you are really sincere of what you said, please use your influence to get the seven MCA MPs to support the motion of no confidence against Najib, if there is one, or vote against the coming budget, to oust Najib.
This will save Malaysia from further ruin by Najib and his gang.
Rupert16: Much as I want Najib to take responsibility for the 1MDB debacle and to be accountable for the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’, I don't think Ling has ever come clean on his involvement in the PKFZ (Port Klang Free Zone) scam.
To me, this is indeed a case of the kettle calling the pot black.
Zaidi Omar: What is wrong with the RM2.6 billion donation? Najib has claimed that the money is not public money. Please don't create more confusion.
Slumdog: If some commentators still believe that the RM2.6 billion in Najib’s personal bank account is a donation from the Middle East, then these people must also believe in fairies.
Visu: The country has been overwhelmed by a coterie of greedy people in power since 1969. The most unfortunate part of this greed is that it has bred a nation of fools who do not know what is needed for our country.
There are many still astoundingly foolish to believe that it is not wrong to receive donations and that there is someone out there in the Middle East who loves the "brilliant" PM so much that he gave him RM2.6 billion.
Further Ling nor former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad have no moral standing to oppose or even preach about corruption, something which they condoned while in power. So Malaysia continues to suffer under the worst government ever.
Fernz: The issue is Najib covering up wrongdoing and sweeping them under the carpet and going after the authorities concerned and others when they get too close to him in their investigations.
He cannot be allowed to act with impunity. He must not be allowed to get away with this. It's important to make an example of him.
Minister: Ling's anti-Najib remark will strengthen PM
CQ Muar: BN strategic communications chief Abdul Rahman Dahlan, how could Ling's quit call to Najib be equated as "interference in Umno matter", when more than half the nation is demanding the same?
Najib owes the nation an explanation with regards to the massive debt pertaining to 1MDB, and the RM2.6 billion 'donation' (among other heinous scandals), therefore what do you expect people to say?
Abdul Rahman, if the quit call is prejudicial and slanderous to Najib's reputation and dignity, I suggest you initiate legal proceedings to everyone who raises the issue. Come on, bring it on.
Odin Tajué: Abdul Rahman, Ling saying that Najib should resign is a relatively minor matter. Many people have said that. It is nothing new.
What is a major matter, a point that cannot be ignored, is that Ling has stated explicitly that Najib, quote, "has taken people's money and put it in his own personal accounts," unquote.
The phrase means that Najib has stolen public funds. Implied in that phrase is the RM2.6 billion. That is a very serious assertion, an averment that is nothing less than defamatory if it is untrue.
And if it is untrue, Najib must institute a legal action against Ling without any delay. No asking his lawyers to ask Ling to explain what the latter meant.
Turvy: What is it that politicians eat that logic becomes so disagreeable to them? If their chief, the PM, is under criticism for some policy or political or economic decision, then one would praise a closing of ranks, loyalty is then a virtue.
But if what is in issue, as in this case, is the discovery of a colossal sum of money of dubious origins found the bank account of a PM, surely loyalty must yield to duty to find an explanation for the money and not simply pretend that everything is just normal?
Worse still, to say that Ling's comments will strengthen the PM is akin to saying that the party and government flourish when it is mired in wrongdoing, that people elected to safeguard the nation can condone what is not right, even legal?
Surely Abdul Rahman must realise there is a duty beyond the party, to the nation and its future and to truth and honesty. If they cannot, they are equally culpable.
Anonymous 759201436321741: Abdul Rahman, what you should really worry about is the rise of discontent within BN leaders, especially past leaders.
Among the present BN cabinet ministers, most have chosen to keep quiet, a sure sign of protecting themselves and to avoid being a casualty.
Asitis: Abdul Rahman should also realised that non-Umno members are also not interested to dictate who should be Umno leaders. You all can go kill one another for the top position in your party for all we care.
But the PM is the leader of Malaysia as a whole, not just Umno alone. And in this, we do not care whether you people in Umno are in the mood or not.
We have just as much right as any Malaysians, Umno members or not, to dictate who holds the office of the PM. If you are not in the mood, too bad. Deal with it.
Justine Gow: Indeed, any Malaysian has the right to give his or her view on who is fit or unfit to be the PM of the country.
Expressing such a view is not interfering with the affairs of Umno Baru or any political party.
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