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Mara snubbing Taylor’s yet another harebrained idea

YOURSAY ‘This is another example of how Umno is failing poor Malays.’

After red shirts bus boo-boo, now Mara snubs Taylor's Uni

Not Smart: Rural and Regional Development Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob, leaders like you are the ones who make the future of the Malays bleak.

Your abrupt and stupid reaction to Taylor’s University’s action is very drastic and made at the expense of our young and future generations.

You are lucky to have gotten a good education. But with our education system being so bad these days, you have the heart to deprive other Malays to good education?

Do rationalise the reason why Taylor's University terminated your cronies’ contract. You would have done the same if a National Service (NS) bus had been used during the Bersih 4 rally.

Turvy: By cancelling the contract, Taylor's was only making sure that they were not seen as partisan in politics.

Mara's duty - repeat duty - is to make sure they carry out their statutory functions, including giving scholarships in a manner that accords with the aims of its statute, fairly and honestly.

Neither Ismail Sabri nor any other person having control over Mara has the power to subject the role of the statutory body to their personal hurt or any other improper reason.

In my opinion, any decision made by Mara on a matter regarding the distribution of scholarships after Ismail Sabri's statement, will be legally flawed and open to challenge in a court.

Anonymous #33227154: The Mara scholarships are funded by taxpayers. The money does not belong to Ismail Sabri.

He has no right to withhold the money from the students. This is the kind of gangster-dictatorship style of leadership we have in Malaysia. This country does not belong to Umno.

Wong Lu Shin: What will happen to existing students who are being sponsored by Mara to study in Taylor’s? Will they be forced to continue their degree in another institution or drop out altogether?

At the very least, it will be a massive disruption to their education. This is another example of how Umno is failing poor Malays.

Simon: The abuse of the taxpayers’ money is getting out of hand. It is time for Malaysians to consider not paying taxes to the Income Tax Department.

They take our money and behave like kings.

Speechless: It is tragic that Ismail Sabri behaves more like a kid who is kicking back because he can't get what he wants.

We need statesmen and true leaders in the cabinet, not vindictive and blinkered backyard bullies whose ego comes before the interests of the country.

Anonymous #59879079: This just shows how childish and stupid the man is. First of all, he's not even the education minister so this is totally outside his jurisdiction.

And doing a tit-for-tat just shows he's behaving like a single-cell amoeba.

Dizzer: I was just looking up details on a quiz comparing the academic standing of Singaporean and Malaysian ministers. The results are quite shocking.

Just about every Singaporean minister has a higher degree from a top Western university (Oxbridge, Ivy League, etc). Anyone care to guess how many of our 39-strong cabinet has a PhD from overseas?

'Low Yat 2' will open very soon, says Ismail Sabri

Not Smart: Congratulations, Ismail Sabri for announcing the opening of Low Yat 2 soon. Make sure that the pricing, quality of goods and services are at par or better than that of Low Yat's.

Consumers are not donors. Make sure they deliver quality services to all consumers. Their 'maruah' is at stake if they fail to deliver after the silver spoon being shaft into their mouth.

Retnam: I hope to see the Malay-run electronic stalls starting operations soon. They can give Low Yat a run for their money. That will be very healthy competition.

Please also arrange free shuttle service for tourists from Low Yat to Mara, one way only.

Anonymous_1372741039: Ismail Sabri, we wish you every success in that venture and that hopefully, this will be a springboard for more Malays to take to such business ventures.

It is time that they break away from dependency and move boldly into business. In all sincerity, I wish them all success.

Anonymous #33227154: Malaysia is the only country in the world to have a racist theme shopping mall. Apartheid is well and alive in Malaysia.

Swipenter: Why not open ‘Petaling Street 2' at the same time?

Also make it a ‘Red Shirt Day’ and invite Sungai Besar Umno division chief Jamal Md Yunos to officiate both ventures. He would be the happiest man in the world.

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