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Najib and the many elephants in the room

YOURSAY ‘You have clearly demonstrated how totally out of touch you are with M’sians.’

PM: Street rallies not the way to show love for nation

Milosevic: What a poor bunch of desperados, PM Najib Razak and Makkal Sakti president RS Thanenthiran. Each is relying on the other to get some legitimacy to cover their dubious reputation despite so many holding both in contempt.

Malaysia and the Malays deserve better. Najib cannot get it into his head that so many Malaysians now want a rational foundation for governance based on principles of the rule of law and expert, not cronyistic, input into policy making.

He thinks he can rely on the Bugis-style rule based on the whim of a ruler, engage in ‘piracy’ as the path to wealth accumulation, and yet still claim some kind of right to rule.

Malaysians have developed much higher standards for governance, and Najib has failed them tremendously. The gaps in the Altantuya Shaariibuu and 1MDB cases are grating on any rational, caring Malaysian.

Not Confused: I'm sorry, Mr PM, but once again you have clearly demonstrated with just one statement how totally out of touch you are with Malaysians in general.

You and your government are deeply immersed in a number of questionable scandals that have gone on for far too long without any satisfactory explanation.

The mere fact that the rakyat feel the need to protest and demonstrate must surely indicate that there is something seriously wrong.

It is the rakyat that is showing love for the country, not you or your band of brothers who treat us all as idiots, and you choose to intimidate, harass and threaten us at every turn.

Do you seriously believe that these problems will go away just by the wave of your hand and the call for us to show love for the country? Dream on!

CQ Muar: Boy oh boy, Najib. You sure are an exceptionally fine actor as a prime minister. Fancy you telling Bersih 4 that street demonstration is not the way show love for our country? Did you examine yourself why the rally was organised, Najib?

Applying some cheap reversed psychology, hoping to convince the rakyat of your 'exemplary' leadership to gain sympathy?

Mr Prime Minister, you have failed to realise that you were the main player who had caused all the unrest and provocations. Even before the dust settled over the Altantuya murder case, your failed 1MDB project caused jitters to the nation.

As if that's not enough, you have yet to explain why RM2.6 billion was deposited into your bank accounts, etc.

Najib, you say street rallies are not the way to show love for the nation? But then, is keeping silent over the RM2.6 billion "donation" your way of showing your love?

To put it bluntly, is cheating (unless proven otherwise) the poor rakyat of such hefty sums of money is your way to show love for this nation?

Oh Ya?: How could a rally for a ‘bersih’ (clean) elections and ‘bersih’ government be a humiliation to the ruling elite unless they are ‘kotor’ to the core?

Vijay47: Talk about being unable to see the elephant in the room! Najib's growing tribulations must be slowly eroding his faculties - he remembers to condemn Bersih 4, a voluntary multi-racial rally seeking changes every Malaysian would be glad to see come to fruition, and yet he stayed quiet about an event that openly demands the subjugation by one race of the others.

Which is not surprising since he was already given his warm blessings to those extremists threatening violence against those who do not concede to their overlordship.

Najib seems especially offended and disturbed by "street rallies", so maybe he will share with us how he would describe a bunch of red-shirted mat rempits riding along Kuala Lumpur's roads, and ironically, making the premier city a ghost town on Malaysia Day.

Perhaps that is the latest in fashion to display "love for the nation". And as to Thanenthiran, he merely confirms the perhaps Sanskrit belief that "once a beggar, always a beggar". Emendi, KVS?

Dr M: Najib must clear name over Altantuya murder

Aries46: Yes former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, how nice if the absconded Abdul Razak Baginda and Sirul Umar Azhar return by their own volition and tell us who gave the order, fired the shots and blew her up, and Najib tells us why and who issued the directive to blast her to smithereens and deleted her immigration entry records.

None of these were disclosed in the trial despite police chief Khalid Abu Bakar's often stated claim that all aspects of the murder cum annihilation were established.

Though the revelation of the Al Jazeera probe was basically what Malaysians have been crying out ever since the murder, Najib merely attributed the latest global infamy that allegedly implicated him as a deliberate international conspiracy to topple him with the larger motive to destroy Umno.

And Khalid, on the other hand, looks determined to go after Mary Ann Jolly, the journalist who did the Al Jazeera programme.

The truth and justice of the corruption cum murder scandal and its global embarrassment that is the foremost of Malaysians' concerns seem to be the furthest from those in authority bent on denial.

Ourvotesdecide: Why are the Malaysian authorities so worried and reluctant to re-open the investigation on the Altantuya murder case?

Ask who directed the Immigration officer to destroy Altantuya's record of entry into Malaysia before she was murdered. Ask the two policemen now convicted of her murder as to who ordered them to kill her? These two policemen and the Immigration officer concerned are still alive. Only Sirul is overseas.

So what is the difficulty in asking them the said questions now?

Anonymous #19098644: Corruption, sex, blackmail, murder, faulty submarines, commissions of RM500 million paid, political cover-up, subversion of the judicial process. bribery, policemen convicted as murderers, and involvement of the highest office in the land; even Hollywood would have a tough time coming up with this plot.

How can Malaysia not be infamous, more so when the prime minster also has to swear in the mosque and the victim’s father swears that justice was not done?

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