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From 'pendatang' to 'penumpang', the insults never end

YOURSAY ‘This is the ultimate insult to MCA. Doesn’t this hurt the dignity of their members?’

Don't take Najib's kindness for granted - MCA, Gerakan told

Anonymous 1689721435778173: Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman is right. MCA and Gerakan are just passengers (penumpang) in the BN ruling coalition.

That is the reason why they have remained so quiet in the face of the alleged grand corruption committed by their patron, PM Najib Razak. Even in the midst of such silence and forbearance on their part, both parties were humiliated by Tajuddin.

Where is your dignity? MCA is worse for they blamed everything on DAP. I ask MCA chief Liow Tiong Lai and his people, is it really worth it to sell your honour for some secondary ministerial positions?

As for Tan Keng Liang of Gerakan Youth, where is your honour now? Despite trying so hard to "bodek" (apple polish) Najib and Umno, you still get insulted by Tajuddin.

Anonymous_1372741039: It would be great to get a consensus from all composite parties in BN with regard to this outrageous remark from the Umno camp.

But MCA and Gerakan must admit this is a lost cause. What is implied is that by a flip of the coin and if it turns up either way - head or tail - they lose.

It would be good for a change if these two irrelevant parties could see the trees for the forest.

God Save Us: How much more humiliation and verbal abuse are MCA and Gerakan willing to suffer before enough is enough.

That the Umno leadership makes no attempt to publicly admonish these people suggests tacit approval. It is sickening and nauseating to watch these parties prostrate and grovel like eunuchs.

Anonymous #44199885: But Liow, Tajuddin is right, MCA, MIC and Gerakan really do "tumpang" Umno otherwise you would have been wiped out in the last GE.

Umno, despite all its misfeasance, abided by the BN spirit in allowing MCA, MIC and Gerakan a share in the federal government.

These are yesteryear parties that have failed to cater to the changing demands of the Malaysian electorate who want its leaders to champion the issues affecting them regardless of race.

The recent Bersih 4 is not only a reminder to this but was an eye-opener for Umno as the Chinese came in their thousands not to fight for their community but to fight for all Malaysians.

Malays can see in this that the Chinese treat this country as their home and willing to fight for the good of all.

Umno now has the difficulty in blackening the Chinese Malaysians, which it could easily do had they continued to remain a minority participant as in the previous Bersih rallies.

Apapunboleh: MCA/Gerakan deserved the treatment from Umno as they had been riding on Umno supporters to vote themselves in. MCA is a disgrace by claiming to represent Chinese but their top leaders are afraid to stand in Chinese-majority area.

The rest are just window dressing to show a multi-racial BN but practising racial politics. Umno has been saying disgusting things about MCA/Gerakan yet they shamelessly hang on Umno's coattail.

RM2.6Billion Duit Haram: This is the ultimate insult to MCA. Doesn’t this hurt the dignity of their members? Now they are called ‘penumpang’. It merely implies that you guys are sponging on Umno.

Thinking Citizen_1403620863: Basically the reality is that MCA and MIC have outlived their usefulness. There are no permanent friends or enemies in politics.

Being their lackey and trying to defend their policies against the aspirations of the people will bring MCA and MIC to the path of no return and irrelevance as had happened to Gerakan.

I guess all these leaders are more concern about their positions and benefits than the people they claim to represent.

On this note, I agree completely with the statement made by the Umno minister. Stand on your own and don't hold on to other's coattails.

The Malaysian: Liow, be a man and show us what material you are made of.

As the MCA president, it is up to you to get your party parliamentarians together and show deputy minister Tajuddin that the rakyat is boss not Najib, and least of all him.

We demand a no-confidence vote to be carried out. Stop bullying the rakyat.

Liew Lean Kut: Wow! Multiple slaps on the MCA face. It is high time to contemplate leaving this sewage pool and go on your own. The community does not support the party when you are in this corrupted coalition.

You might as well leave and use your resources to do charitable work until the community feels that you are worth supporting again.

Doc: Tajuddin, I agree with you 110 percent that Najib is "kind hearted". Otherwise why would the Saudis donate US$700mil to him?

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