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Umno man urges counter to 'Chinese' Bersih rally
Published:  Sep 3, 2015 9:24 AM
Updated: 4:16 AM

Federal Territories Umno Youth chief Mohd Razlan Rafii has called for Malays to counter the purportedly "Chinese" Bersih 4 rally last weekend with their own street demonstration.

"We realise the relationship between races is eroding recently because of the attitude of the Chinese, who are communistic in their ideology, and have openly rejected Malays, bumiputera and Islam openly on social media using their language.

"This was why so many Chinese youths dared to demonstrate on the streets simply to ensure that the government will fall.

"If that is what they want, then perhaps it is time for Malays and bumiputera to hit the streets to demand back their rights on this soil," he said in a statement last night.

Razlan ( left ) claimed 90 percent of those present at the Bersih 4 rally, which demanded for reforms and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's resignation, were Chinese.

Yesterday, BN's Kinabatangan MP Bung Mokthar also likened the Bersih 4 rally to demonstrations leading up to the May 13 riots in 1969.

‘Chinese Bersih claim racist’

Meanwhile, Parti Amanah Negara deputy president Salahuddin Ayub, who was present at Bersih 4, slammed Umno leaders for trying to racialise the rally.

"It is untrue that Bersih 4 is trying to ignite racial issues similar to the backdrop of the May 13 tragedy.

"For me, this accusation made by leaders is ill-intentioned and racist," he said.

Salahuddin said the rally was attended by all races and he would not be there himself if the rally was out to topple the government through violence, abolish the power of the Malay rulers or undermine rights enshrined in the federal constitution.

At its peak, over 100,000 and 80,000 turned up respectively for the two-day Bersih rally in Kuala Lumpur last weekend.

While the first day's turnout was dominated by Chinese, it is estimated around 40 percent of the protestors on the second day were Malays.

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