Patriotic in name but corruption the game

YOURSAY ‘Just tell the truth, then you don't have to remember so much.’

Did it all happen this way, Rahman Dahlan?

ResIpsa: BN strategic communications chief Abdul Rahman Dahlan has inadvertently spilled the beans and is now trying to justify that his comments were made in the context of a hypothetical situation, that is, if such a charge sheet against PM Najib Abdul Razak existed.

While there is no direct evidence of its existence, unless the former attorney-general (AG) speaks up, the weight of circumstantial evidence is clearly tilted to its existence. This has resulted in the PM acting immediately in the prescribed manner to remove the AG before the charge sheet was served.

Just one look at the leaked charge sheet clearly shows that it was only referring to the RM42 million transferred from SRC International through intermediaries to the personal account of the PM.


This is an open-and-shut case and thus the former AG may have decided to press on with this charge first where there was clear-cut evidence.

It is therefore incorrect for the government to deny the existence of the charge sheet by alleging that the entire investigations were not complete.

The uncompleted part, if any, may only relate to the transmission of the RM2.6 billion. But not the SCR funds.

Odin Tajué: Yes, Hafiz Yatim, it all must have happened that way. No doubt about it at all.

And while all that has been happening, Jho Low, Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil, Suboh Md Yassin, Casey Tang and Jasmine Loo Ai Swan have conveniently gone missing.

These people are critical in the investigation into SRC International. Except for Jho Low, the others were connected to SRC as directors (Nik Faisal being the managing director).

SRC was initially a subsidiary of 1MDB. Soon after securing a RM4 billion loan from the pension fund KWAP, which was guaranteed by the government, SRC was put directly under Najib.

Together with the US$680,999,986 he received from the Tanore Finance, Najib also allegedly received RM42 million from SRC through Gandingan Mentari and Ihsan Perdana.

The latest report is that Jho Low has been traced. He is now hiding in Taiwan.

For2Long: Hafiz, I concur with your assessment that the chain of events happened in the way you had described.

But apart from everything that has transpired, I am very intrigued by the way Rahman Dahlan said that it was necessary to "take out" certain people involved in the investigation.


The Chinese equivalent to "take out" is "tar pow" while in Bahasa it is "bungkus". Of the three, I prefer the BM version as it has a degree of finality, which the other two languages lack.

James TCLow: Our leaders are patriotic in name but corruption is the actual game.

Senior: Unless and until further evidence is produced, I have no option but to believe what the minister said. He let the cat out of the bag?

Magnus: The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) should ask former attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail to attend a hearing so they can question him on the subject of the purported charge sheet and his removal from office.

The roles of the attorney-general and public prosecutor are constitutionally independent, and that legal person, the AG, is accountable only to Parliament.

In my opinion, and ignoring that he may himself have been appointed unconstitutionally in 2002, Gani is still the lawful attorney-general, since he was unlawfully removed from his independent and protected constitutional role and so he will hang himself if he lies to the PAC in contempt of Parliament.

Anonymous #70881335: A wise man once said, "Just tell the truth, then you don't have to remember so much."

Tan Kim Keong: There are no other explanations beside writer Hafiz Yatim's. All one needs to do is to join the dots in this chain of events.

Hplooi: Remember (except for a sprinkling of dissidents), the great majority of Umno members allow such criminality to happen unhindered.

Since Umno has a stranglehold on power in this country, this means all Umno members are equally culpable. Demi agama dan bangsa kononnya? The late Tok Guru is tepat - parti syaitan !

6th Generation Immigrant: The rakyat should grant amnesty to former AG Gani Patail. He was in the thick of events and wasn't even aware of his removal.

He can spill the beans but there are too many skeletons in his closet, which is why he has been very, very, very quiet.

Well, unless he is patiently scheming to come out in the open when the time is right.

Artong Penang: Plato once said, "We can easily forgive a child who's afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light".

To all our cabinet ministers - why are you afraid of light? The answer is obvious.

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