What they can’t argue against, they ban

YOURSAY ‘If Malaysiakini is blocked, we will form Malaysiasanasini.’

Block Malaysiakini now, NGO tells MCMC

Quigonbond: Pertubuhan Minda dan Sosial Prihatin (PMSP) adviser Ramesh Rao is obviously confusing news report and the consequent comments. Comments are made by readers, not the journalistic staff.

There are wide spectrum of commentaries, some for a cause, some against the cause. It's a democratic forum.

If one voice seems to be drowned out by the other, it does not mean Malaysiakini has done something wrong, just that its readers are predisposed to think in a certain way.


If Ramesh can't handle this level of debate, sophistry and complexity, he should just avoid reading Malaysiakini instead of condemning what he cannot comprehend himself. He has an Umno ostrich/bully culture - what they can't argue against, they ban/harass/threaten.

Gunnerrun: If you have problems with any blogs, please take it up with the ministry. Again, Malaysiakini is a news portal.

Just like the print media which receive requests and threats to correct what they have published, no media is exempted from making mistakes.

For a start, I, too, do not see newspapers publishing errata on their front pages or blow up the ‘correction’ column using big-sized font and so on. It is the nature of the mistakes be corrected on the sentences or facts used which usually take just several lines and so on.

Ramesh, what you are saying is simply twisting things around. There is only one or two unbiased media portal in the country and even this you have trouble tolerating.

Do you know how many of this type of impartial media that are not owned by the government that are operating freely in the West, in every Western country?

If there is only one such media exists and you are already howling all over the moon over this, then you should really be ashamed of yourself because you are a real putz.

Not Confused: Yes, of course, shoot the messenger as usual. That’s the only response from a lame government.

Odin Tajué: Ramesh, you are a failure. A failure with a capital ‘F'. You have been declared a bankrupt over a mere RM30,000.

That means before you were made a bankrupt, you have had very few sen to rub together. Therefore, you were a failure in life.

You produced videos, which were unconvincing, badly made, with another bankrupt obviously to ingratiate yourselves with Najib - and obviously in the hope of getting some bits of crumbs. Yes, some bits of crumbs.


One doesn't suppose Najib would offer you a senatorship through the back door or side door or any door. He probably considers you fit to, at the most, supervise his gardeners, if not to sweep his drains.

Now you want the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to block access to Malaysiakini portal. That now shows how ignorant you are - and no wonder you are a failure.

To gain access into a blocked website is easier than A-B-C nowadays. At the very most five minutes after this site is blocked, all of the subscribers, but perhaps with the exception of Umno's cybermorons, will be able to gain access. Only the most stupid ignoramuses would resort to taking the action.

By the way, Ramesh, Najib allegedly spent more than US$1 million during one holiday alone. You will never even see the amount of money in 10 of your lifetimes. Now go eat your heart out.

GE14Now!: There you go again - when you cannot deal with a problem you ban and block it. Is that the total sum of your thinking abilities?

And have your own Umno-owned newspapers not been casting slander at the opposition as well? Each day we see more and more imbeciles coming out of the Umno woodwork.

Rojak: Freedom of expression is at the heart of democracy and while all societies place some restrictions on it, decent ones give media the benefit of the doubt and allow citizens to sue in (impartial) court hearings if they object to what is published. They don't close down papers at the drop of a hat.

But if Ramesh wants to close Malaysiakini on the basis of a couple of possibly inaccurate articles or comments, how many times should Utusan Malaysia be closed down?

Anyway, as soon as he cited Singapore as a model of fair dialogue he lost his case.

Wg321: I am still waiting for the third part and the final part of that video expose by Lester Melanyi concerning 1MDB and Xavier Andre Justo. Why are you holding back even though you have been paid for your service?

JD Lovrenciear: I always wondered why is it that the people who are hell-bent in defending PM Najib Abdul Razak’s agenda always appear brazen, overly bold and seem to give an intimidating look.

I beat myself trying hard to cut out a professional look on their glances and body language, but it is all in vain.

Wong Fei Hoong: If Malaysiakini is blocked we will form Malaysiasanasini . These are the idiots who cannot accept facts and only live under the Umno ‘tempurung’ (coconut shell).

Fairperson: This guy must be out of his mind to ask MCMC to block Malaysiaki ni. Such weird characters not knowing the difference between reality and fantasy still exist in our country.

Ramesh, inflation going up high and the ringgit on a free fall are reality. Najib receiving RM2.6 billion from a Arab donor is fantasy. You got it?

The above is a selection of comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers. Only paying subscribers can post comments. Over the past one year, Malaysiakinians have posted over 100,000 comments. Join the Malaysiakini community and help set the news agenda. Subscribe now .

These comments are compiled to reflect the views of Malaysiakini subscribers on matters of public interest. Malaysiakini does not intend to represent these views as fact.

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