
YOURSAY ‘The younger generation is very discerning. They can smell a rat a mile away.’

Najib disappointed youths trust propaganda

Kalvin Rekhraj: As a Malaysian youth, I do not believe in propaganda, not one bit. However I believe a leader should speak the truth. And PM Najib Razak has on numerous times told Malaysians lies.

Mr PM, the youth of today have a mind of their own. We are able to decipher the truth with the facts that are put forth. All it takes is a little analysis. And your statement about “enemies of Islam" without naming them is pure propaganda.

Multi Racial: PM asks for youth to be fair to him. He should instead behave fairly to all, including the opposition, NGOs, critics and government servants.


He recently sacked the attorney-general, disbanded the special task force investigating the RM2.6 billion in his bank accounts, transferred two senior MACC officers, and the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) investigation was stalled by his appointment of four PAC members into the government.

All were done abruptly and without any acceptable explanation given to the public. Unfortunately these are just a few of the many cases of unfairness displayed by the PM. So please do what you demand others to do.

Unafraid: The PM has got it wrong. He seems to hint that the young people are easily led astray. On the contrary, the new generation is very discerning.

They can smell a rat a mile away. So far, as far as 1MDB is concerned, there are many stinking rats hidden under its facade.

Incidentally, why bring Islam into the debate? How do the people who are speaking against corruption and blatant abuse of funds be branded enemies of Islam?

Mosquitobrain: We're still waiting for your answers from day one regarding 1MDB’s RM42 billion debt, the RM2.6 billion in your personal bank accounts and the identity of the 'Arab' donor.

You expect us to believe your ‘donation’ explanation? What a laugh. I'd nearly fell off my chair.

Anonymous_4031c: The PM can easily dispel all doubts by engaging the youths. They can have a sit-in and all he needs to do is answer all questions posed to him without any pre-screening.

So far, he has fallen short even when answering questions in Parliament. It's a case of the inability of one man to provide proper answers to the allegations, compounded by his ability to circumvent all investigations against him, thereby undermining the rule of law.

Onyourtoes: I am asking you respectfully again - please answer all the accusations truthfully and transparently.

What kind criticism can you accept? You mean criticism that are toothless and made within the confines of the Umno supreme council where all the members see, hear and speak no evil?


You don't even allow regular meetings of Umno supreme council meeting, so what criticism are you talking about?

And what enemy of Islam? Criticism on poor governance, unexplained movement of money in and out of personal account, unexplained donation, devious and dubious use of public funds are non-Islamic?

LEF: The only enemies of Islam that I see are the corrupted bunch of people in government.

And please, you are a servant of the rakyat, so I don't need your approval or request to be respectful when I criticise you.

Anonymous 122461436161429: In this one statement alone, Najib has insulted the intelligence of the youths.

He has called documentary evidence of theft and mismanagement and unlawful leadership of the country as propaganda, has made questioning crime and crooked leadership wrong under Islam and has thereby made a mockery of his own religion.

Hang Babeuf: "Najib disappointed youths trust propaganda."

On the other hand, millions of rational, sensible Malaysians regret that Umno politicians are all too often idiots, swallow the most awful nonsense (official "propaganda"), and think that what Utusan Malaysia says is the truth.

That's far worse. And that is something that this Nowhere Man PM could do something about - if only he cared to try.

Dizzer: The youth of this country are our only hope - they are much more open and sophisticated than their elders because they are not reliant on the pathetic propaganda of the official media.

GE14NOW!: Dear PM, the country is not looking for a perfect government as none exists.

However, we certainly do not want one that is corrupt, one that spins and tells tall tales, one that 'takes them out' when those entrusted with looking for the truth get very close to uncovering it.

Unfortunately, instead of being transparent you have chosen to be draconian. The youth are not listening to propaganda because these propaganda seem more exciting. They, and we, listen to them because your credibility has gone below zero and anything you now say has no value to us.

In the area of honesty and transparency you have been weighed, measured and found to be severely wanting.

You claim that Malaysia is not a failed state. Even if we were to grant you that benefit of the doubt, it is heading in that direction. But Mr PM, you are a failed prime minister.

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