Public accept RM2.6b explanation? Not us!

YOURSAY ‘This is not Shahrir talking. It’s his alleged RM1m 'donation' talking.’

'Public seem to accept RM2.6b explanation'

Anonymous_1421806811: Well, if Johor Bahru MP Shahrir Abdul Samad thinks the social media has accepted the "donation" theory of the RM2.6 billion, he is dead wrong.

This RM2.6 billion will haunt PM Najib Razak till the next GE. Knowing Najib, the man with a penchant for scandals, another scandal will soon erupt.

The RM42 million of SRC International’s money deposited into Najib's bank account, perhaps from the Finance Ministry-owned company’s RM4 billion loan from the government pension fund, is still not settled.


If Sarawak Report can show evidence that US$650 million of the US$681 million was indeed taken out of Najib's account , it will be another scandal.

Commentable: Shahrir, you are such a charmer, always giving the public a good laugh without fail.

Which segment of the public seems satisfied with the explanation that the RM2.6 billion deposited into Najib's personal accounts was a donation?

What? The target of your survey was mainly those from primary schools and kindergartens? Now just who did you say is being ‘syok sendiri’?

Retiree: I am not satisfied with the explanation that it's a donation for Umno. Why was the bulk of the money allegedly removed again and placed in Singapore?

If you're certain that the public is happy, then Najib should have no qualms standing in Dataran Merdeka come Aug 29-30 to meet us. I dare him to take up this challenge.

Odin Tajué: Shahrir, as I am lowly educated and quite dim upstairs, I am very impressed at your pronouncement.

Now I know that the social media is a group of people and that it (the group) is not part of the public.

Aries46: This is not Shahrir talking. It is his alleged RM1 million 'donation' talking. How does this man know what the people think about the RM2.6 billion in Najib's pocket or the RM1 million in his pocket?

Just as Najib shocked the whole nation, Shahrir’s own constituents in Johor Bahru would have been shocked by the Sarawak Report’s expose of his RM1 million bonanza.

What a sorry state for a man about whom praises were once sung for his defiant stand on matters of principles. Shahrir has been reduced to a mere drum beater for a corrupt despot.


Sali Tambap: God helps us if we cannot see the evil of corruption in the PM accepting RM2.6 billion in his personal bank accounts, which was completely opaque as nobody else, other than himself, knew where and how that money was spent.

When religious values and fear of God are cast aside at the expense of political expediency, then something is really wrong in this country.

But hopefully, the Malaysian masses are not. Hopefully, unlike the cabinet ministers, our hope is the Malaysian public, including the Malay masses, will rise up against the shame that their leaders have brought to this country by their endorsement of such corruption.

Anak JB: No one I have spoken to, who has worked in a corporate environment, believes any single spin that comes out of Najib.

A donation, a favour or a gift which goes secretly into one’s personal account is corruption. We are now being made the laughing stock of the world with an unethical PM in charge of our country.

Shahrir, you do not speak for us and you are just another shameless politician who was allegedly privy to the ill-gotten "donation".

You are another tainted product and you do not deserve to speak on behalf of Malaysians. I am ashamed. As a Malaysian and with a man like you, I am ashamed to be an anak Johor.

Citizen No.26: I and all members of my family, relatives, friends and colleagues do not accept the explanation on RM2.6 billion.

Where is your moral and integrity, Shahrir?

StraightTalk: What Shahrir means by ‘public’ must be the exclusive inner circle of the PM's friends and associates.

As far as most Umno leaders are concerned, it seems clear that no other ‘public’ exists. Shame on you, Shahrir.

It’s just horrible to comprehend how you guys in Umno-BN can treat the Malaysian public like a bunch of fools.

Ipohcrite: Shahrir should have his head examined if he thinks the rakyat are satisfied with the explanation on the RM2.6 billion.

He should visit any ‘kedai kopi’ or ‘warung’ incognito and listen for himself the scorn and ridicule the rakyat have for the so-called explanation (we call it spin) given by the PM and his Umno cronies.

Tpn: Indeed, go to places like a restaurant, you hear people making jokes out of this "donation".

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