Don’t forget SRC’s RM42m in PM’s account

YOURSAY ‘This most likely come from the RM4b SRC borrowed from KWAP.’

Najib now seeks help from retirees

Victor Johan: The retirees served the Public Service Department (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam) and were not or never classified as Umno-BN government's servants.

They derived their pension money from the established retirees’ fund. Najib has used this pension fund for his own projects and he should answer these retirees on this.

Not Convinced: Civil servants, don’t forget the RM42 billion allegedly transferred into the PM’s bank account from SRC International Sdn Bhd.


That money could most likely come from the RM4 billion which SRC borrowed from the Retirement Fund Incorporated (KWAP). It’s your money.

Bluemountains: Does Najib think that most retirees are already ‘nyanyuk’ (senile)? As a matter of fact, the main topic of discussion amongst most retirees now is the mysterious RM2.6 billion 'donation' as well as the Umno spin masters.

Pahatian: I for one don't buy Najib’s story. As a retiree and having work with the government for more than three decades, we know what is happening.

We retirees are not dumb like your Umno ministers and the majority of your grassroots. Just remember that, Mr PM.

Justine Gow: Now someone has become so shameless as to ask retirees to help him to stay on and ruin the country even more quickly.

Every patriotic Malaysian should work to better the country for future generations, not to destroy it. Rome was not built in one day, but it took only a fraction of the time to build it to bring about its downfall.

It’s just five years to the much talked about 2020, but we are now visibly moving backward as a nation.

When the current nightmarish situation is over, and we hope it will be soon, politicians of all stripes who love the country should work together to change the system of governance to prevent the concentration of power which may be abused by a rogue leader.

Jesse: Retirees slaved for a fair and prosperous nation, not one that is filled with corruption and cronyism.

They know what the nation has become, and it is unbecoming of the PM to plead for support when all he has to do is provide the nation with some clear and truthful answers.

But that may spell the end of him. So keep looking left, right and centre for help, now that you have found yourself in a dilemma of your own making.


Wira: Same old, same old, You help me, I help you, as if the people are putting him there for him to dispense favour to those who aid his allegedly corrupt ways.

David: My late mother, a retiree, was a staunch supporter of BN. But the last two elections, she voted for the opposition because she was disgusted with the rampant corruption and mismanagement of the country.

She lived to a grand old age of 92 and during her last two years, she cursed Najib on a daily basis for the miseries he had brought upon the nation. She was a wise old lady.

Malaysia Ku: When the spinning gets out of control, they become increasingly absurd and preposterous. And when all these spinning fail, the oppression begins.

But truths cannot be buried forever. They will eventually be exhumed, forensically investigated, and the long-awaited justice previously denied, will be imposed upon the perpetrators.

Karma, whatever one's beliefs, will always, without fail, enforces its inevitable conclusion, so that equilibrium will be restored. This fate will surely befall Najib and those propping him up for their personal gains. It must, and will, happen.

No-confidence vote on PM is futile, says Dr M

Clever Voter: If the no-confidence vote is futile, the ballot box is equally bad. What's next? Malaysia is okay so long as we have oil and gas revenue flowing. Never mind what government.

The trouble with that is that we no longer have the money. Watch out for more draconian steps to squeeze more out of the people.

Kookie: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad is right. All the BN MPs and perhaps some of the opposition have been "bought and paid for" by Najib using public funds and promises of "greater things to come".

They don't care for the country and are only in politics to enrich themselves, so why should they "kill the golden goose"?

Trueglitter: The march and crusade of angry men to remove Najib from the premiership is nigh given the imminent and multitudinous damages he has created for the nation and its people.

History has taught us when a tyrant is hell-bent to create havoc and misery to the populace by his blatant plundering and robbing the nation's assets and wealth, he would instantly be removed from power.

Regrettably, those who elect to forget the course of history or have not the courage or wisdom to salvage our nation from one man's tyranny, will bound to repeat its mistakes.

Righteous politicians from both divides should embolden themselves by now coming together with their judicious wisdom cum unswerving nationalism to remove Najib, as obviously, their inaction for not doing so would only encourage him to bring more suffering to the rakyat.

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These comments are compiled to reflect the views of Malaysiakini subscribers on matters of public interest. Malaysiakini does not intend to represent these views as fact.

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