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‘Datuk’ held over 1MDB probe released

A managing director of a company with the title of ‘Datuk’ was ordered to be released by Magistrate’s Court in Putrajaya today after being held in remand for four days to facilitate investigations into 1MDB.

Magistrate Nik Isfahanie Tasnim Wan Ab Rahim granted the release of the 48-year-old man, the fourth of five individuals who had been held under remand over the 1MDB probe, on a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) bail of RM100,000, RM 20,000 of it in cash and the remaining RM 80,000 as oral assurance from two sureties.

The prosecution was led by deputy public prosecutor Ahmad Sazalie Abdul Khairi.

The ‘Datuk’ was arrested to facilitate in the probe under Section 17 (a) of the MACC Act 2009.

He was detained at the MACC office at 7pm on Friday.


As of today, MACC had detained five individuals to facilitate the investigation into 1MDB and four of them have been released on MACC bail.

On Friday, a 39-year-old director of a construction company, who was the first individual hauled up to facilitate the investigation, was released on a MACC bail of RM100,000, with RM20,000 of it in cash and RM80,000 as oral assurance by two sureties.

On Saturday, a 54-year-old company managing director with the title of ‘Datuk’ was released on MACC bail of RM100,000, with RM20,000 deposited in cash and RM80,000 in oral undertaking by two sureties.

Yesterday, a 28-year-old sole owner of a trading company, who is the third individual remanded in connection with the probe, was released on a MACC bail of RM50,000, RM10,000 of it in cash and the remaining RM40,000 as oral assurance from two sureties.

A despatch rider who was remanded on Sunday is still under MACC custody. His four-day remand will expire tomorrow.

- Bernama

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