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Rosmah needs RM20m for ‘funds’ to yield RM2m

YOURSAY ‘Please explain to the public the source of the money.’


‘If unemployed can make money, so can Rosmah’

Sirach: Is Deputy Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman for real? The Agriculture Ministry is clearly not blessed with the best and the brightest.


To earn an income from investments of RM2 million, even assuming a very generous 10 percent annual return, the total investment would be at least RM20 million.


If, as the YB (yang berhormat) says, the income could even be RM10 million or RM20 million, you just multiply the RM20 million total investment by five or 10 respectively, and you get RM100 million and RM200 million in total investments.


Tony Blair's wife was a practicing QC (Queen’s Counsel) while he was in office as British PM, so few would question her income if it was substantial.


In this case, the rakyat surely have a right to know how investments of such magnitude were amassed by the non-working wife of the sitting PM. Once again I ask, is the deputy minister for real?


Slumdog: Tajuddin is another, in a long line of apologists for PM’s wife Rosmah Mansor, with no valid basis or evidence to defend how she could amass RM2 million in cash.


Third World: Tajuddin is not answering the question. It is not why the PM's wife has RM2 million. She may well have.


The question is what is the source of this large amount of cash banked into her account by a third party who even denied that he knew the PM or his wife?


This has given rise to a perception that this money is from a questionable source for a questionable purpose.


If she is just another housewife, she has every right not to reply to such queries. But unfortunately, she is the PM's wife who has a lot of derivative power (being the PM's wife), which may be used to influence her husband’s decisions, for example in awarding contracts, etc.


Therefore if she has done nothing wrong, just explain to the public the source of the money. Must her henchmen come out with silly excuses to shield her from such queries?


Odysseus: Yes, no one is saying she cannot earn any income. Just that the amount is big. Really big, and it all came in within a short time.


This is what people want her to answer. There seems to be a competition among Najib's cabinet members to come out with the most stupid statement to ‘bodek’ (apple polish) their boss and his spouse.


Vijay47: Oh dear, another Umno leader from the mould of Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Tengku Adnan ‘Popularly Known as Ku Nan’ Tengku Mansor, and Nazri Abdul Aziz, valiantly doing his best to advertise his party's intelligence level.


Investments usually may be a good way of earning money, but to make sizeable returns, one needs sizeable capital. So how much does Rosmah ‘Buffet’ Mansor have?


Further, I must concede that there is nothing wrong in receiving money; the ladies along Jalan Alor, which is just a stone's throw from Low Yat, also receive money but in their case, one could say they work their backs off for it.


The unemployed wife of a prime minister receiving mysterious stacks of money from mysterious strangers cannot claim the "sanctuary of privacy".


She has to account for the funds she received. Otherwise, unkind people may suspect she was involved in some dirty work.


The opposition need not cook up all these stories, Rosmah's goose is cooked. Pass the salt, please.


Wira: Tajuddin, all the exco members in Penang government had declared their assets in front of the media and the public. We, the taxpayers, were delighted. The opposition in Penang, viz Umno, was also welcome to check and scrutinise those figures.


Why can't the prime minister do the same? This is not an opposition agenda. This is the peoples' agenda.


Mushiro: I believe that if an unemployed can steal a handphone, why can't Rosmah? This mentality of blindly supporting Rosmah's and PM Najib Razak's alleged crimes should stop.


Very soon, more of Rosmah's bank accounts will be exposed and more millions will have to be explained. Will Umno still blindly support her?


Saphire: To IRD (Inland Revenue Board), if I have RM2 million suddenly deposited into my bank account, must I declare it? Likewise, must I declare it to Bank Negara?


If yes, did Rosmah do that? Or do we have two different sets of law - one for Rosmah and one for us ordinary people? Kindly educate us on this matter.


Turvy: Whenever a tooth comes off your jaw, don't throw it away. Wrap it in some fresh cow dung, make a wish and throw it on your roof. Best is a thatched roof.


In the night, always in the night, the tooth fairy will deposit millions into your electronic account. What is astonishing is how the tooth fairy has kept up with the technology.


Why she works in the night also baffles me.

What business can generate RM2m in cash?

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