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Bank Negara denies staff leaked 1MDB info to WSJ
Published:  Jul 12, 2015 6:00 PM
Updated: 10:07 AM

Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) today denied allegations their officials had leaked information regarding the 1MDB investigations to the media.


In a statement today, BNM said they had lodged a police report as the allegations are without any basis whatsoever.


"Bank Negara Malaysia remains steadfast in our quest to uncovering the truth in a fair and just manner. In discharging its accountability, the bank is not aligned to any faction and will not betray the trust of the public. Bank Negara Malaysia will also investigate any breaches to the laws it administers," the statement read.


Earlier today, Mingguan Malaysia had frontpaged a report that Malaysia Today blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin ( photo ) alleged three BNM senior officers are under investigation by authorities following the leak of 'sensitive information’ to the Wall Street Journal.


BNM is part of the Special Task Force investigating the 1MDB scandal including the alleged transfer of RM2.6 billion from the debt-ridden company to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's personal accounts.


BNM said it has the full support from the authorities in their commitment for the Special Task Force.


"Bank Negara Malaysia will also investigate any breaches to the laws it administers. The bank, as part of the Special Task Force, continues to remain committed towards achieving its objectives. It added it had the full support of the Special Task Force.


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