Umno and the 'CIA-Jewish' lightbulb
Published:  Jun 25, 2015 1:20 PM
Updated: 8:19 AM

How many politicians does it take to change a lightbulb? Some claim it takes four. One to change the bulb, and three others to deny it.

Last night, Umno politicians squirmed uneasily in the glare of a Malaysiakini report concerning a fused bulb at the their headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

Those who attended a breaking of fast event with Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Shahidan Kassim at PWTC were amused to find that amongst the seven portraits of Umno presidents, the image of Dr Mahathir Mohamad was engulfed in darkness.

This prompted numerous people to snap photographs, selfies included, and post them on the social media.

Malaysiakini published a report on the matter, and had at no point alleged that the light was deliberately switched off.


On the contrary, the report quoted a security guard revealing that the bulb was fused.

Soon after this, the light issue was fixed.

But despite the photographic evidence, Federal Territories Umno chief Mohd Razlan Osman denied that such an incident ever happened.


Speaking to Malaysiakini , a source close to Mahathir confirmed receiving calls about the lightbulb.

"Some who attended the buka puasa event called to inform me about the matter. So I am surprised they are denying it," the source said, amid laughter.

A blog run by former New Straits Times senior editor Firdaus Abdullah had also mentioned the matter in a posting and featured a photograph of the portraits with the unlit Mahathir image.

"Gambar di-atas diambil oleh seorang rakan yang berada diperkarangan PWTC selepas solat Terawih sekitar jam 10 malam tadi.  Rakan saya terkejut dengan gambar yang dirakam menerusi telefon bimbit dan terus menghubungi saya."

(The photo above was taken by a friend after prayers around 10pm in the vicinity of PWTC. My friend was shocked with the photo which he captured using a mobile phone and called me.)

CIA-Jewish espionage

Not to be left out, Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin joined the bandwagon to hit out at Malaysiakini .

Despite the report not alleging that the light was turned off deliberately, he remarked: "Why would we do such a thing, it doesn't make sense. This is bodoh (stupid)."


"This was twisted by certain media, just like they twisted the Mara chairperson's (Annuar Musa) comments yesterday," he added.

This was in reference to another Malaysiakini report yesterday, which Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak claimed was "twisted".

Khairy, however, made no mention as to whether he had listened to an audio recording posted on Malaysiakini , which revealed that Annuar had said, "Yes", when questioned if the prime minister approved Mara's purchase of a property in Australia.

Apart from this, Malaysiakini has also come under attack on Twitter and Umno blogs.

Meanwhile, Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor equated the lightbulb to an international espionage ring involving the Jews and CIA.

"Ingat2lah laman2 web yg putar belit. Salah kita kunjungi mereka. Ini kerja yahudi nasrani n penitipan CIA terhadap kita.

"Saya cukup sedih kerana kita mudah di perbodohkan oleh orang barat khususnya America sehingga letronik media yg jelas mereka guna intip kita

"Live in the world of reality not in a dream world life is short hati hati intipan melalaui media social esp orang barat dan CIA near us," he tweeted.

(Take notice of websites that spin. It is wrong for us to visit them. This is the work of Jews (and) Christians and CIA spying on us.)

(I am saddened that we are easily fooled by the West, particularly the US, which clearly uses the electronic media to spy on us.)

(Live in the world of reality (and) not in a dream world. Life is short, be careful with espionage through social media, especially by Westerners and CIA near (sic) us.)

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