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After Nothing2Hide, PM is Bugis warrior no more

YOURSAY ‘The inescapable fact is that our PM is a coward.’


PM wasn't frightened of dialogue, prince told

Anonymous_1421806811: No matter how hard Najib's supporters are still desperately trying to defend him over the ‘nothing to hide’ fiasco, damage has been irreparably done.


This is clearly evident when Najib himself doesn't make any references to his Bugis ancestry anymore. Good try, guys, but it's too late.


James_3392: Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Deputy Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, it’s not too late, organise another dialog or better still, a debate between PM Najib Razak and former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad.


If PWTC is still not a safe place for the event, what about Johor sultan’s palace? I am sure crown prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim can assist in making the venue available.


The Bugis warrior can regain his credibility, Tajuddin. Do it, you will score big points in Umno.


Common Good of Society: Najib was the authority in 1MDB. Without his approval, no business deal could take place. We know now that 1MDB has debts of RM42 billion. If Najib is not responsible, then who is?


As a concerned citizen, I want to know how much has the government borrowed from various bodies, in particular from the Employees Provident Fund (EPF).


I want to know why our exchange rate against the Singapore dollar has risen to RM2.8. I want to know why there is no real progress even after the country was ruled by Umno for 50 years.


Pahatian: As the PM, Najib has all the resources available to him to make sure everything is carried according to his plans.


Then why didn't he deploy the FRU (Federal Reserve Unit) with men in riot gears and water cannons all around PWTC?


The crowd was just under 2,000. The PM could easily plant plain-cloth police personnel to mingle with the audience. He didn't. If he did then there will be no excuse for him to abscond the dialogue.


Unafraid: The inescapable fact is that our PM is a coward and has a lot to hide no matter how much we try to defend him.


It does not take two neurons to conclude that our top leader is constantly changing his tune and shifting his position to avoid any direct confrontation with regards to the 1MDB saga.


The response given so far by him and the CEO of the troubled government-owned investment fund has so much holes in it that it is embarrassing, to say the least. It does not stand to scrutiny and an insult to every right-thinking Malaysian.


Clearly, our PM and his cohorts are back-pedalling and avoiding the questions asked. Even a person with primary education can smell a rat somewhere.


Gerard Lourdesamy: A ‘well-organised’ event does not mean having busloads of your supporters who are paid to carry placards and scream slogans in support of the PM.


A dialogue is meant to be a discourse between those who support and disagree with the PM on the 1MDB affair. Mahathir had every right to attend the forum and question the PM.


Najib only excels in set-piece gatherings where everything is in a controlled environment to allow his spin gurus to claim that he has the support of the people.


Vijay47: Bad news, Najib. I have been reading your medical records and the prognosis is not comforting.


Studies by Freud-Spielberg-Hitchcock reveal that when a patient has sweaty palms and dry mouth, tightness in the chest with palpitations, it strongly suggests the onset of acute fear despite aversions to the contrary.


This is further displayed when the patient suffers serious agoraphobia, the fear of enclosed places, accompanied by delusory reliance on schizophrenic personality assumptions like believing himself to be a statesman, economist, warrior, or seafarer.


The problem is worsened by feelings of inadequacy in the presence of overbearing females, brought about by sleeping in close proximity with them where superior alpha dream-waves from their brain overwhelm your own.


However, some recovery can be achieved by ceasing high-flying, faith in paid sycophants, avoiding senile fantasy merchants, or indulging in constant conflicting denials. Anyway, take two pills and call me in the morning.


Odin Tajué: Tajuddin, agreeing to do something does not necessarily mean that you will do it.


You can agree to do something and make an appearance of preparing yourself to execute that something, but just before the point of actually executing it, you terminate your act and withdraw because, in actuality, you have not planned to do it.


Judging from Najib's performances on his intangible stages so far, that possibility is the most likely to have applied.


Nevertheless, we can understand your position. You are only a deputy minister and therefore, you need to spit on and polish Najib's boots very hard in the hope of being promoted to a full minister and enjoy the perks and prestige the position will afford you.


I hear there is a new nasi lemak dish sold now. It is called ‘Nasi Lemak Najib’. It comes with no eggs. Perhaps Tajuddin might want to set up a stall and sell it?


Oh Ya?: One prince does not represent the entire royalty. One Mahathir does not represent all the rakyat. Fair enough.


But does one Najib represent the truth?


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