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Unfortunately, hard for Najib to ignore Dr M

YOURSAY ‘But Mahathir is unable to floor Najib with a well-placed punch.’


Ignore the doctor's rants, Nazri tells Najib


Caripasal: Whatever his agenda, this doctor's (Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s) rant about 1MDB's scandal is important - our national finance is a major concern.


Perhaps corruption is only a small matter to Culture and Tourism Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz and Umno.


It appears that amassing billions of rakyat’s money is a norm to BN nowadays. But it’s not so easy for the rakyat to brush 1MDB's missing billions aside.


Vijay47: The phrase "chip off the old block" does not suggest that the son is inferior to the father. Rather, it simply means that the offspring is similar to the parent.


From your interpretation, it would imply that PM Najib Razak is unlike his father, in which case, you agree with Mahathir. Nazri, whichever way you look at it, your grasp of English is not quite accurate - that the son lags behind the father.


It might even be the reverse, to quote Wordsworth, "the child is the father of the man" - from what I hear, Nazri, your son is quite a character in his own right.


Sirach: Nazri is law graduate and minister of the crown and he does not even understand the simple English idiom "a chip off the old block".


It does not mean we cannot be better than our fathers. It means we are very similar to our fathers. No wonder he dares not question Najib on the 1MDB issue. It's probably too complicated for him.


Sabahan: Indeed, Nazri just confirmed his ignorance of the English language. No sane and logical person will infer that being ‘a chip off the old block’ means we cannot be better than our fathers.


Nasir implied that future generations are more stupid. However, he may be right, but that only applies to Umno politicians.


Anonymous_1421406986: Mahathir has to go on registering his disgust because he is not able to floor Najib with that one well-placed strategic punch.


The fact that he keeps rambling on only shows his punches are lacking the killer effect. It is his inner cry of not being able to influence or rally the support of people who matter most.


If Najib can only realise this, he may want to ignore Mahathir totally. Why utter a misplaced word to earn the wrath of the rakyat? Let those who want to bay at the moon continue to do so.

It is not unusual of the aging and defeated people to dwell on or incessantly talk of their few successes.


We saw the way Lee Kuan Yew carried himself with such grace and dignity. It is because he knew he had successfully laid the ultimate road map for Singapore and there is no reason for the island state to change course to attain eternal success.  


SSG: In his interview, Mahathir says he did ask Najib about what 1MDB was all about. He was told that 1MDB buys companies and tries to sell them at a higher price to make a profit.


To which the old man did say that this is not the business of the government. That the government should concentrate on collecting taxes.


Now if this is the advice Dr M can give, I would like to ask him why did our government institutions try to corner the tin market on the London Metal Exchange (LME) in the early 80s (illegally?) and why was he trying to speculate with government funds in the forex (foreign exchange) market using Bank Negara funds, even though the Federal Reserve did warn Bank Negara that the national bank of a country should only take care of the local currency using interest rates and look after the local inflation rate, etc.


In both cases, he cannot now claim that he knew nothing about it given that the loss of such massive amounts could not have been done without his permission.


He was also trying to buy low and sell higher. Of course, I can go on and on.


Anonymous_3e06: That is what BN has been doing - ignore all these issues. See where this has lead the nation to?


We said there in corruption in the police force. We were told the presence of some bad apples, when we see the whole basket is rotten.


We have said the BN government is unjust, you ignored it. We have said our education is down the drain, you ignored it. Look where we are today?


So ignore the 1MDB scandal, the next one will be even worse.    



Small crowd greets DPM, urges him to 'save M'sia'

Dont Just Talk: DPM Muhyiddin Yassin's supporters tested the water and found only a handful of them, numbering 30, there to greet their master on returning home, unlike Mahathir and yet the former PM claimed that he was alone.


No wonder Muhyiddin has a worried look on his face now that Najib knows the weakness of his potential successor.


Legit: What a pathetic state we are in. It is time to dismantle the constitution and come up with a more practical and workable one so that we are not in such a predicament again.

But in the interim and before the country becomes a basket case, someone better come up with a solution to the current leadership crisis.


Maybe have a caretaker government under the charge of some technocrat who can fix things up before calling for an election. Malaysiakini readers, please comment on this idea.

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