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Umno division leader wants Azeez's head to roll
Published:  May 13, 2015 7:50 PM
Updated: 9:53 PM

Tabung Haji chairperson Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim should either resign or be sacked as he is no longer credible, an Umno division leader said.

Cheras Umno Secretary Syed Mehdhar Syed Abdullah said Abdul Azeez was a liability to the party.

"As an Umno member and regular citizen, I appeal to the prime minister to sack Abdul Azeez as Tabung Haji chairperson as his statements and actions have panicked Tabung Haji depositors.

"When the Malays get angry with Tabung Haji and its chairperson, they will indirectly be angry with Umno too.

"They will fling all sorts of accusations at the party and this is the pain we have to suffer for flip-flopping," he said in the Cheras Umno blog today.

Abdul Azeez ( photo ) had initially denied Tabung Haji's purchase of land in the Tun Razak Exchange, only to say that he had misspoken and had meant to say Tabung Haji had only bought one plot of land, not two.

Syed Mehdhar said this had destroyed Abdul Azeez's credibility making him unfit to lead the pilgrimage fund.

He added he did not question the motive behind the Tabung Haji purchase but  rather Abdul Azeez's handling of the situation.

Can of worms

Several top Umno leaders including deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin have also  expressed concern about the Tabung Haji fiasco.

However, they seem to have let go of the issue after Najib advised Tabung Haji to sell off the land.

The Tabung Haji scandal has opened up a can of worms implicating GLCs of pumping money into beleaguered 1Malaysia Development Berhad as a bailout.

Others implicated are Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB), and the Pensioners Trust Fund Inc (KWAP).

PNB has confirmed it  has subscribed to 1MDB sukuk bonds while KWAP said it has not yet committed to purchasing land in TRX.

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