PM 'better' with answers at closed-door events

YOURSAY ‘We want to be enlightened too so we too can treat PM like rock star.’


Umno Youth satisfied with PM's explanation

Kingfisher: PM Najib Razak seemed to have explained to Umno Youth better than he has done with the general public.



All the same, Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has given assurance that those guilty of misappropriation of public funds should be held accountable.


This is leadership with a local flavour. Malaysians will have to see how this interesting plot plays out in the next few episodes.

Commentable: Many would understand that an explanation is to clarify where there is doubt. Thus, in order to clarify, the explanation must be clear, direct and unambiguous.


For an effective explanation to hit home at any given audience, it matters not the time or duration taken to explain. It could be done away with in just a short sentence or a paragraph or a page or pages, but the essence is that there shouldn't be any doubt left behind.


So to the leaders in Umno Youth, especially the ones who supposedly to have the highest education of them all, would you not be questioning why Najib has to give (or perhaps add) more to his "explanation" to you guys behind closed-doors than he has done in the TV3 interview that was aired to the public last Thursday?


Why waste time and do another explanation to you when you should be just as satisfied after watching the TV interview?



Does it not raise any suspicion when Najib is selective in his audience in offering his different kind of "explanation"?  


WDA: Isn't it amazing that Najib seems to always do a better job explaining in a ‘closed-door’ setting?


If all the PM needs is 90 minutes to put the issues raised by former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad to rest, I am sure TV3 or RTM will be more than willing to accommodate him.


Khairy seems to be telling us the government-controlled TV station did not give his boss sufficient time to explain each issue. It’s hard to believe but it is okay because I am sure Khairy took notes and/or has a great memory.


Can the Oxford alumni take the liberty to document these explanations in an article and publish it on a mainstream publication? I do not mind paying double or triple the usual price to buy that issue of New Straits Times or The Star after a lapse of 20 years.


There is no reason why Khairy cannot share this with the rest of the rakyat. We want to be enlightened so that we too can treat the PM like a rock star.


Multi Racial: I remember once a secretary was asked on live radio during the Secretaries’ Week whether she was loyal her boss more or her company. She said she would be loyal to her boss who is loyal to the company.


So I hope all those politicians and leaders to do the same. Loyal to our PM, if he is doing good for the country. But don't if he is not.



Khairy's men give Najib rock star treatment

Ben-ghazi: It looks like Umno Youth condones corruption and abuse of power. The youth leaders also seem to be more interested in positions than fighting for the rakyat. They also seem to condone the suppression of information about a murder.


Their boss must know who gave the orders to eliminate Altantuya Shaariibuu but will not reveal it to the police.


TehTarik: There is no doubt that Najib is getting stronger by the day. The days of Tun and his family appear to be numbered.


And Najib is almost 30 years younger than Dr M. KJ, the master opportunist, knows which side the bread is buttered.


CQ Muar: The day will come when Najib will say to Khairy: "Even you, Khairy?" akin to what Caesar said to Brutus as the knife was plunged into his belly.


This will be a reply for what Najib did to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (his father-in-law), therefore beware, Najib.


Don't be too overjoyed with such superficial display of support by all those Umno Youth boys headed by Khairy. Those are vipers you're dealing with.


Ferdtan: What does it tell a leader when he goes to the Youth and Wanita wings for support when being criticised by one aged ex-Umno leader - an ex-PM who holds no political power? Weak.  


Anonymous_1421406986: Najib deserves all the support given to him, not only by Umno Youth but also by others.


It is not easy for a man to keep focused on steering the nation, despite the many challenges he faces, from an ex-PM who wants a pound of his flesh for not keeping promises, the opposition that never fails to speak disparagingly of his character, lifestyle and governing ways, sections of the rakyat and the ignominy of a murder accusation.


I have never doubted Najib despite the accusations swirling around him. I admire the man more each day, and I wonder how he is able to remain sane and face each day with positive attitude.


There are many among us who cannot even manage our personal or family life, and here we have a man on a mission wanting to do good for the country and people, despite the numerous distractions.


Call me anything you want but I put my faith in this man. The day any one of the accusations sticks on him is also the day I will lose all trust in mankind. 


Mushiro: As Najib's many scandals become clearer, how else can Umno fool the people? What choice do Umno Youth leaders have if they still wanted to be on the gravy train.


There is no difference between the show of support by the Umno division leaders, cabinet members, BN component parties, state Umno and now Umno Youth - it’s to ensure a ticket on the gravy train.


Fair Play: Just thinking aloud. Would they show such enthusiasm once the gravy train stops running?

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