Jho Low becomes fall guy for 1MDB scandal

YOURSAY ‘When money stopped raining down, they blamed the rainmaker.’


Umno Youth trains its guns on Jho Low

Headhunter: It is possible that businessman Jho Low could be the fall guy, although he's not entirely blameless.



If the money didn't go to Low, then it must have gone into someone else's pocket. So the multi-million question is whose?


Corrupt politicians always know how to cover their tracks well. But it’s a matter of time until the skeletons will fall out of their dirty cupboard.


Mushiro: Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin said Umno Youth supported PM and wanted investigations on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) as well as Low. Hey, what about investigations on the PM, who is the chief adviser of 1MDB?


Low had told Euromoney that although 1MDB had sought his advice on certain matters, he had never profited from the company in any way and has no official role in the firm. So Low wants us to believe that he did free service for the nation?


Jho Low is now saying that bad decisions have been made by 1MDB. He is blaming the PM, who is also finance minister. And he further said, "No one seems to ask the question who is the ultimate decision-maker on 1MDB? No one asks that."


This is a slap on the face of Umno, the cabinet and Najib.



Ben-ghazi: So Jho Low made millions with his own money which undoubtedly was inherited from his grandfather, I suppose.


With his business acumen, his investments have brought him untold profits. His friend, the PM's stepson, too must have inherited his fortunes from his grandfather or great-grandfather.


Then the two must have collaborated and advised each other on the best investments to make in New York and Los Angeles. Now both are multimillionaires.


VP Biden: So the blame game begins. Jho Low is the cause of 1MDB’s failures. Train your guns on him.


Umno and Najib Abdul Razak get off scot-free. Start, action... cut!


Horas Returns: I agree with Khairy, Low should be fully investigated and no brick should be left unturned.


I am sure Jho Low must have been working with DAP to bring down Umno and threaten Malay rule. This is obviously a conspiracy against Najib and the Malays by the cunning Chinese.


I urge all Umno members to also call for a full investigation since it is obvious that it is a Chinese plot to bring down Umno.


Melayu Tulen: It’s easy to resolve the 1MDB matter. Open all 1MDB accounts, not just to the auditor-general but also a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) to look into the matter.


Malaysians must understand that 1MDB is paying US$2.4 billion every year on interest alone. How many hospitals and schools can be built with US$2.4 billion?


Low is right, why are the directors in 1MDB sleeping? Why blame others when you lost money in business? Who gave instructions to make the payments? All this, we need to ask the 1MDB directors.


Truth: Did 1MDB made bad decisions? So who is the ultimate decision-maker?


The PM and his men kept saying 1MDB is doing okay, the PM does not handle day-to-day management and he is just the adviser. So who is the person responsible for 1MDB?


It seems to me that nobody is responsible for this multi-billion-dollar government-owned company.


Not Smart: If it is true that whole government had been taken for a ride by an individual, it is about time we take stock of who the people in authority who allowed this to happen.


Either most of them are stupid or had a finger in the pie. Recall what former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad once said about some people being lazy and quick to blame others.


His comment is slowly and surely becoming true. If you don't make the cut for handling such big deals, don't be boastful of your inabilities.


Fairnessforall: The people who were managing 1MDB and the approving authority should be investigated no matter what Jho Low has done. He cannot move funds without green light from the approving authority.


Hplooi: Can the inspector-general of police (IGP) issue an international warrant for Fei-Chai (fat boy) Low? Besides, Fei-Chai cannot claim political asylum.


The whole escapade would have been funny if not for the serious consequences currently afflicting ordinary Malaysians (the ringgit is moving south, etc).


Fair Play: Khairy, what happens if Jho Low decides to join force with Dr Mahathir Mohamad to save himself if you keep attacking him relentlessly?


Like you, he came from a top school except his specialty is in business, the language of money. What is yours?


No BS Please: At the end of the day, the money trail will lead to you, unless you are smart enough to link it to others. It is obvious you are merely a proxy for someone. Like they say, it ain’t over until the fat lady sings.


The Oxford graduate should know that in order to investigate Low, you first have to investigate the man responsible, who is none other than the man to whom he kowtows.


Otakechik: This is typical of those who took a shortcut to wealth without using their brains. Money was raining down from the sky, and when it stopped, they blamed the rainmaker.

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