Dr M faces dilemma in his twilight years

YOURSAY ‘The crooked bridge is no longer an issue, but crooked politicians are...’


I know I'm alone, says Mahathir

Wg321: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a born street fighter. If there is a live debate, he can give PM Najib Razak a technical knockout even though Najib has mass support from the audience.



Don’t forget, when Mahathir was the PM, the Special Branch and the Anti-Corruption Agency reported to him. Don’t underestimate him.


Besides 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), the impact of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the suffering working class of all races who are surviving with stagnant wages, the wastage of Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M), etc, he has succeeded in arousing public interest by asking “who killed Altantuya?”



I hope those apple polishers like PPP leader M Kayveas don’t condemn Mahathir like what I saw in a KiniTV video clip. Click here to watch this brainless idiotic ranting away.


Sinner: Mahathir, you are alone on the crooked bridge. On 1MDB, the whole country minus the Umnoputras is with you.


Abasir: Mahathir's choice is to join the 53% of right-thinking Malaysians who seek to remove the regime of rogues or stay with the 47% who, for the right amount of ringgit, will join the self-serving scumbags to ostracise him in a chorus of condemnation orchestrated by the chief suspect.


This is now Mahathir's dilemma - to stay put,  be crucified and consigned to Umno's garbage bin or take the right side of history and help salvage what little is left.



Anonymous_1421406986: I am of the belief many books will be written about Mahathir by people we long to hear from after he departs.


I remember a businessman from Penang who secured a billion ringgit project to build the first submarine. The submarine never surfaced and the money just sunk. What of a uncompleted dam in East Malaysia, the Perwaja Steel with Eric Chua made the sacrificial lamb?


He offered datukship to a guy for swimming from the mainland to Langkawi and for taking inordinate time to cross the English channel (when a Malaysian medical student achieved it in a far shorter time, a month or two later) but he failed to recognise the two men who scaled Mount Everest.


It is a little too late to talk about feeling responsible for people and the losses of money. Indeed, all these things also happened during your long tenure of office.

Fortunately, you held power during the time when people were too scared to speak out. It is different now. People now dare to ask uncomfortable questions.  


TehTarik: Tun has neither moral authority nor credibility to criticise Najib. Money politics and rampant corruption started during his 22 years tenure. Scandal after scandal and billions lost in white elephant projects was the trademark of Tun.


Mahathir is asking for an independent commission of inquiry into 1MDB. Let’s first start investigating the many scandals during his tenure. Or the Sabah IC project. Or the bailout of his son's Konsortium Perkapalan by Petronas.


Or the billions lost in Maminco or his forays into forex (foreign exchange). It is shocking how many Malaysians have such short memories and are today championing Tun.


It is pathetic when people shamelessly turn to the architect of much of the country's ills for a solution.


Mushiro: Between fighting for the country and fighting for their personal gains, Umno leaders have always chosen the later.


So it is not surprising that Tun is now alone when he questions the big money that has gone into the pocket of Umno's No 1 leader.


We saw this happening in Scorpene commissions, PKFZ (Port Klang Free Zone), NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) and almost all financial scandals.


Umno leaders have always thrived in siphoning money from huge government projects and it will only get worse. Only a change of government can solve the problem.


Commentable: Until the political dust finally settles, do we know who is the one really alone? Metaphorically Dr M may just be saying so, but in the end it could jolly well be Najib who turns out as the one home alone in Umno's castle.


So then, is this a rallying call by Dr M to signal his sleeping supporters to rise for the final battle?


Anonymous_1391693662: The crooked bridge is not an issue for now. The issue is to get rid of all the crooks.


Fernz: The reason for the crooked bridge, never stated openly, is to divert shipping from Singapore to Johor which is nearer to East Asia than Singapore.


The Causeway prevents the free flow of water in the Johor Straits and causes silting. The Singapore government refuses to demolish the Causeway for obvious reasons.


Previously, it claimed that then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong was nostalgic about the Causeway. Ha, ha.


Clearwater: You feel alone only because you are out of power and unable to grant favours to followers from Umno who go where the gravy is.


But when it comes to 1MDB, be assured taxpayers are right there with you.

53pct M’sians ready to walk with Dr M if only...

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