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Stay strong, MAS tells AirAsia
Published:  Dec 28, 2014 3:28 PM
Updated: Dec 29, 2014 4:50 AM

QZ8501 Malaysia Airlines (MAS), which experienced twin airline disasters this year, has now expressed support for AirAsia.

On its Facebook and twitter, the national carrier posted a grey image with the words, "#StayStrong AirAsia".

The image was accompanied with a message which read: "Our thoughts and prayers are with all family and friends of those on board QZ8501".

Earlier in the year, MAS saw one of its planes Flight MH370, which was enroute to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur, vanishing. The plane remains missing to date.

Following this, Flight MH17, which was on its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was shot down over Ukranian airspace.

This morning, AirAsia's Flight QZ8501 lost contact as it flew from Surabaya to Singapore.

Reports indicate that the aircraft, with 162 on board, could have crashed into the sea but Indonesian authorities have yet to officially confirm this.

MAS' solidarity message for AirAsia also prompted netizens to voice support for both airlines.

"Thanks MAS. You guys have gone through so much this year and certainly understand the pain and grief associated with such situations," said a user by the name of Napsiah Wan Salleh.

Another user, ND Oppa said: "Positive note by MAS. We Malaysians stand by both, MAS and AirAsia".

Unlike MAS' twin disasters which were considered national tragedies, Flight QZ8501 belonged to AirAsia Indonesian aircraft which disappeared over Indonesian airspace.

Nonetheless, the impact is still felt at home as the airliner's parent company is Malaysian.

AirAsia this morning also changed its logo on Facebook and Twitter to grey and white shortly after news emerged that its aircraft had disappeared.

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