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If we believe in justice, send suspect back for trial

YOURSAY ‘There should be no diplomatic immunity for pre-meditated crimes.’


Malaysian diplomat in NZ sexual assault case


Dr PM: Please send the person back to New Zealand for trial. It cannot be like this where diplomatic immunity is used to escape a criminal charge.


Diplomatic immunity is only for a diplomat when you may make a mistake in dereliction of your official duties as may be due to oversight or unforeseen circumstances.


On your personal time and when you blatantly break the law and disregard all forms of civil behaviour, then you must face the music.


More so, because you are in a higher position, more accountability for your character is needed. And to add, you carry the country's name.


Versey: Dr PM is absolutely correct, diplomats carry the name of the country and should behave themselves at all times.


A responsible and conscientious foreign minister should not have allowed his overseas staff to abuse the diplomatic immunity. The foreign minister should step down if there's any attempt of cover-up.


Anonymous_1Ingrate: Yes, diplomatic immunity cannot be a blanket immunity. It must not cover criminal acts outside his or her normal diplomatic duties.


The sending country must be held morally responsible for its diplomatic personnel. There should not be two ways about this, the victim’s rights must not be transgress simply because the criminal is representing a country. More so, he or she should show exemplary behaviour.


Babylon: There should be no diplomatic immunity for pre-meditated crimes. Diplomatic immunity should only be for accidents, etc, incurred in the course of carrying out their duties. Not intentional crime-related activities.


This man followed his victim with the intention of committing a crime, according to reports. There is nothing diplomatic about his act.


Ferdtan: If Malaysia believes in justice, no matter whether the victim is Malaysian or not, then PM Najib Razak must instruct the foreign minister to extradite the suspect to New Zealand for trial. 


Gunner: When Umno or Umno-connected politicians allegedly commit crimes, they are normally given some form of 'protection or immunity'. We will not forget previous cases:

  1. One VIP politician who was accused by his ex-domestic helper for sexual molestation. A team of his assistants was allegedly sent to her home country persuading her to retract her accusation.


  • One high-profile politician who was accused in an outrage of modesty whereby the alleged victim lodged police report. After an intense persuasion by someone, the woman gave in and retract her police report. Not long after that he was appointed a diplomat.

  • No need to mention the murder of a Mongolian woman.

  • One CEO of state government who was implicated in smuggling of foreign currency had been systematically protected and covered up by all law enforcement agencies.
  • Too bad, the limited message length in Malaysiakini does not allow me to mention other cases. There are too many.


    YUNoAnon: One month and the culprit is still free? You can consider this swept under the Malaysian governments' carpet.


    The only thing you will get from Putrajaya are "promises that something will be done". And that something is continuously sweeping under the carpet.


    Just share this news with the rest of the world, let all countries be aware of another henious crime that this government is covering up.


    Voiceless: When they can commit crime in their home country with impunity, they will think that they can do the same in other countries


    Vijay47: We do not yet have all the details about what actually transpired but we have to remember that two charges have been preferred against the diplomat - burglary and assault to commit rape. 


    Much more importantly, the matter is under the management of the New Zealand police, not PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) and our wonderful police chief Khalid Abu Bakar, and foreign police forces don't care a hoot about the personalities involved in any crime. 


    Life spins in mysterious circles and what you do or don't do will come back to haunt you.


    For all we know, our IGP (inspector-general of police) will claim that since Malaysia is a Muslim country, the diplomat should be charged under syariah law, including the need to have four witnesses to the crime. 


    Things would have been so much better had the person concerned remained in New Zealand to fight the charges. Having now flown the coop, he has condemned his case.


    Anonymous #84732398: The following are some verses from New Zealand’s national anthem:


    "Peace, not war, shall be our boast,

    But, should foes assail our coast,

    Make us then a mighty host,

    God defend our Free Land.

    Lord of battles in thy might,

    Put our enemies to flight,

    Let our cause be just and right,

    God defend New Zealand."

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