YOURSAY ‘‘Celaka’ is made to something more celaka than the remark itself.’
Rayer to be charged with sedition over 'celaka' remark
Ferdtan: Is this a compromised solution, just like IGP Khalid Abu Bakar caught between the recent custody battles between Muslim and non-Muslim parents who came up with his own ‘brilliant’ idea of putting the child in a neutral place, the Welfare Department, when a court had issued an order for the child to be returned to the mother?
Is this the way our law and justice institutions are behaving? We know that Isma president Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman will be charged at the Kajang Sessions Court for his obvious seditious statements.
However fearing the backlash from the ultra-racist NGOs supported by hidden hands of conservative Umno leaders (apparently not from PM Najib Razak’s camp), they make another sedition charge against DAP state assemblyperson RSN Rayer’s “Umno celaka” remark.
Quigonbond: If this is what the Najib administration think is a reasonable compromise, I laugh at the sorry state of affairs in Malaysia.
I am kind of hoping that the court will throw out the charge on Rayer because Umno does not represent a race or a religion, and there may just be a courageous High Court judge firm enough to do just that.
But what if the attorney-general appeals, and then we get a compromised Federal Court which decides that Umno cannot be criticised? That will be the end of all criticism against Umno, for all their corruption and extremism.
Gerakan and MCA, where is your voice in this matter? Do you really want Umno to be beyond criticism? It will be the death of right to expression in Malaysia.
Anonymous #44199885: Seri Delima rep RSN Rayer is charged with sedition but those who barged into the state assembly, an august body under the constitution, are merely charged with trespassing, considering it is a belligerent act against the people.
BN fails to realise that in this day and age, such action will never endear them to the Malaysian public and in particular the youngsters who will be the overwhelming majority of the voting public.
The resounding loss of the popular votes should be a sign to BN to meet the expectations of the public. Why they can’t do just that and aim to win convincingly at the next general election (GE), is just beyond my comprehension.
Spartacus: Why not just pass a new bill in Parliament called the Umno Protection Act where anyone who condemns, criticises, questions, scolds, etc, Umno members or the political party will be put into jail and pay a fine?
Bystander: If using the word ‘celaka’ can end up in a charge under sedition, then three-quarters or more of the population in Malaysia should also be charged, including yours truly, as I have uttered this word to my Malay friends, too!
Tell me who hasn't in his or her lifetime?
Nil: A "celaka" remark is made as a response to something more celaka than the remark itself...
Some people would use the two finger or mid-finger salute (action speaks louder than words). These are used everyday and everywhere.
If you are at the receiving end, that means you have said or done things which you should not have, or events are affecting you due to the misdeeds of someone else (to evoke such).
All the races have their own equivalents. The Chinese have one, among others, involving the anatomy of one’s mother. The Malays have another one involving the anatomy of a chicken. These are not printable here. Indeed, "celaka" is mild in comparison to these.
To take someone to court over this is really x@!#...
Waktamnoko: What's the big deal then? Just defend himself in court. Get the best lawyers. It's no use lamenting about what an unfair charge that was, etc, etc.
After all, being in the opposition, Rayer should have expect this. In Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew made it his business to sue all those 'defaming' him.
RR: There are hundreds of police reports made daily. What is so special about this 'celaka' case against Rayer? I still do not understand whether this word is derogatory as it has different meanings.
Even the judge will be confused in how this word relates to sedition. The police and attorney-general (AG) should be impartial and do some hard thinking before charging a person.
Netizen63: The definition of ‘damn’. Used to express anger, irritation, contempt, or disappointment. Can anyone find any sedition over the word? Only morons will agree with another moron.
Too Lan: Indeed, how much more obvious can it get? Since when did the everyday word ‘celaka’ become seditious?
My Opinion: Any word can be offensive to ultra-sensitive Umno members. Next time, just use words like "the one we cannot call celaka..."
Hplooi: This buttresses the argument that the extreme rightwing is in complete administrative control of the government. I believe the strategy is to tighten the race-religion wrench. Nothing is off-limits now.
Everyone who does not agree is now a target. If the Malays cannot see this, then when they are targeted they will have no one else to complain to.
In the meantime, the plundering of the nation continues and all criticism is shut down as 'against agama dan bangsa'.
CHKS: Who is the real "king" of this nation actually? I would argue that Umno and its associates are kings and princes of this nation. They can even question and criticise our royalty and get away with it scot-free.
I can tell you Malaysia is going downhill into a bottomless pit. If we don't arrest this sickness, there is no way Malaysia can even compete in Southeast Asia.
Bystander: The police action based on the number of reports received? Just like Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Paul Low also considered the number of pages tabled in our Auditor-General’s Reports that outnumber Singapore's as a testimonial that we are more thorough in our investigations?
Why are we getting so irrational by the day? God save Malaysia!
GrooTheWanderer: Rayer, you are our hero. There is nothing so adverse with the word ‘celaka’. We have been using it since our schooldays.
The reports are to champion the cause of those from Umno who lodged the reports. I recommend a slap each for the 40 who made the reports.
Ace: That is sedition? We must re-write the Oxford Dictionary.
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