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Salute to PAS for stand on Selangor Bible row

YOURSAY ‘PAS leaders must chart a new course for Islam in Malaysia.’


PAS reps want S'gor to remove Mais' power

Ferdtan: This is why non-Malays/Muslims need reasonable PAS leaders around to defend their rights. This call by PAS MPs, if led by non-Malay/Muslims, would be fatal. 


The ultras in the Muslim/Malay NGOs would be organising demonstrations to create trouble to intimidate the minorities for daring to make such a request. It is very meaningful when leaders from a majority race defend the minority from attacks by their group.


Well done, Selangor PAS MPs. This is what we have being saying all along - the Selangor government is not actually without power. The laws are on their side; the statute expressly states that Jais/Mais are under the jurisdiction of Selangor government. 


We know that Jais/Mais have turned rogue and are not listening to their boss - the Selangor government due to outside influence. The Selangor government has more than two-thirds majority, and any law that need to be passed can be easily passed. 


So what makes the state government so helpless? It is Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim. That is the problem. He has the powers in his hands but he is totally lost. 


He is going in circles, without taking any active action to arrest the situation, just hoping to meet the religious bodies for an amicable solution. 


Come on, these ‘subordinates’ are thumbing their noses at the boss and Khalid still wants to talk? When Khalid was in Guthrie, did he stand such insubordination? Of course not. 


If Mais/Jais want to play dirty, the Selangor government with the authority and laws behind it, can do the same. Khalid, it is time for action and not talk.


Anonymous #50815906: I say a big thank you to the four PAS MPs and Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad for their statement on this controversial issue. As correctly pointed out, Jais (Jabatan Islam Selangor) must come under the state exco for Islamic affairs.


More importantly, the two religious bodies must follow what the prime minister has asked them to do to resolve the matter peacefully for the good of all.


They must respect the decision of the attorney-general, the man who is vested with powers to prosecute any wrongdoers in the country.


Fourtan: Bless you, PAS. You must chart a new course for Islam in Malaysia - the Islam that is true, just and confident. I am with my PAS brothers.


RR: The problem in this country is that there are far too many Islamic institutions and NGOs. Yes, hundreds of them. It is time the Home Ministry vets them and sees how many of them are really truly for good Islamic causes. 


This is because their views are diverse and can go against the very tenets of Islam. There may be some deviationist groups within them teaching violence and hatred against the people and the government. 


The government should be serious and take control now before groups like Boko Haram, Taliban, Abu Sayyaf, etc, enter the arena and cause havoc in this country.


Starwars: It’s a shame to destroy any holy book. What Mais is seeking to do is a disgrace to Islam itself.


No man or religion worth its salt will destroy any holy book. I am sure nowhere in the Quran it states that it is all right to destroy the Bible.


Hello: Yes. About time something should be done on these two recalcitrant entities. They think that they are their own bosses. They don't realise that they are subordinate to the state legislative assembly and thus the menteri besar.


JomUbahUbah: I fully agree with all the PAS MPs said. Remove all these Mais and Jais officers and appoint new people to take control of Mais and Jais.


Wira: Good call PAS, and most appropriately so. If the same call had been made by non-Malay MPs or elected representatives, this would be spun till kingdom come by the Umno opportunists in Perkasa and Isma.


Will the Selangor PAS exco members please take it from here? 


Use the 44 versus 12 majority in the Selangor state assembly to amend the state constitution. Selangorians did not give you that huge majority for no reason. It is to correct all BN wrongs over the past five decades.


Fair Play: PAS, in this matter, the right-thinking rakyat (Muslim and non-Muslim alike) would salute you.


It's very difficult for the Umno extreme right and its cohorts to question you because to do so would be to question themselves in religious matters affecting the Muslim community. 


The real challenge is whether MB Khalid got what it takes to be a real political leader for all Malaysians. But of course, Pakatan has the power to decide on this matter.


Casey: "True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness," said Albert Einstein.


I'd proudly have as my prime minister a righteous man like Khalid Samad of PAS than any of the swindlers, goons, and morons from Umno.


Anonnona: What say you, MCA and Gerakan? You have been making accusations against PAS. Now do you have the guts to openly support these four PAS MPs?

Clongviews: Non-Muslims will be told off that they are not qualified to talk on Islamic matters.


Fortunately, we still have moderate Muslims in PAS who are prepared to speak up. We salute you. Thanks.


Ace: The proposal sounds totally logical. But does logic have a place in Malaysia now?

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