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Shahrizat loses hands down in women's rights

YOURSAY 'As head of Umno's women, where exactly does she want to lead them?'


Learn from my Umno mum, Dyana tells Shahrizat


Fair Play: I suppose DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang, being a seasoned politician, knows a gem when he finds one - in Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud. As a right-thinking Malaysian, somehow I feel sorry for Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.

You, Dyana, are what a capable and right-thinking lady Muslim Malaysian should be that Wanita Umno members by and large are not, particularly in the case of the Wanita Umno head.


She just confirmed what right-thinking Malaysians knew all long by the manner she attacked you. What is interesting in the future is this - would she dare take you on?


Kee Thuan Chye: Well said, Dyana. You are proving day by day to be a worthy choice as the DAP's candidate for Teluk Intan. Your intelligence puts to shame the thick mindset of Umno members, including Shahrizat.


Imagine saying you would not be where you are today if not for Umno. What warped thinking is that? Good to know you believe in the ideals of justice, equal opportunity and good governance. I don't think you would have got that from Umno. All power to you!

Casey: A salute to Dyana's mother Puan Yammy Samat! The ultimate replacement of an old and decayed regime is an unstoppable and irreversible trend. It is also the aspiration of the majority.


Versey: Round 1: Dyana 1, Shahrizat 0


CM: Shahrizat playing dirty on her own kind


Multi Racial: All the women in Umno could see what Shahrizat represents. She should instead use Dyana as the reason to put pressure on her own party to field more young women. Instead she criticises Dyana and DAP. My God, as head of women, where exactly does she want to lead the women?

Malaysia Truly Asia: Everyone here and also out there knows for sure that Dyana is a puppet and a sandiwara, so why deny it.

DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng the braggart as usual lies at will, and when it involves DAP, this chauvinistic Chinese is feeling really good that he is giving the Malay something. Down , down girl, sit, sit!

Onyourtoes: Lim, it is not necessary to engage with Umno and its newspaper Utusan Malaysia on what they said about Dyana. For DAP, there is no need to say she is young, a female and least of all, she is a Malay.


Just highlight her faculty. Just ask the electorates to read what she has written and look at the work she has done as a campaign workers and party activist. Dyana must be supported based on her ideas and ideals. She must be supported based on the tenacity of her character and deposition.

DAP does not need to go out of its way to prove that the party is not racist. Ask the critiques to look at the party policies, not the racial composition of its members or leaders. At least that is how I look at Umno – its policies rather than the race helming it, even though there is no provision for other races to join it.

Ask Dyana to debate with Shahrizat and Awang Selamat on policies and philosophies of national development. Ask them to debate on the state of governance, the nation building efforts and gender equality issues in this country.

JooGuan: Talking about a chauvinist, can Umno field someone who is non-Malay? And is Umno not a chauvinist party?

Cantabrigian: In that case, Kajang BN candidate Chew Mei Fun was Umno's puppet, right Shahrizat?

Anak Perak What about Shahrizat herself? Whose puppet is she? Or is she a afraid that there are many more females who are much more capable than her? Really pathetic, condemning her own womenfolk instead of giving encouragement

Kubang: At least Dyana will make it to the Parliament on her own steam unlike somebody who did it via the back door, that is being appointed as a has-been politician-cum-senator.

Oriole : Gerakan candidate Mah Siew Keong should be worried if Shahrizat is opening her mouth on his behalf!



Utusan: Some day, Dyana too will leave DAP in regret

Shanandoah: It's the Malays who will regret for not voting a bright and intelligent young Malay girl into Parliament. Umno Baru and Utusan are extremely jealous of her. Winning or losing is not the reason for joining the DAP.

The fact is Umno Baru is afraid that younger Malays and the better educated ones will no longer support any Malay party based on race and religion but corrupted to the core. What has Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak got to show the Malays to improve their lot.

They did away with the English language to make them unemployable but only able to read Utusan . Dyana Sofya is a hope for younger Malays to join the DAP for a brighter future for them.

May Allah bless her for the courage she has shown in joining a 'chauvinist party' created by Umno Baru and Utusan !


Moontime: Some day Utusan will regret championing the narrow-minded ultra bigots of Umno when it finds itself severely cash strapped and on the verge of bankruptcy.

What Utusan failed to realize is that times have changed. Umno's dominant role in Malaysia will be over soon and the young generation will take over. Look at India, for example, the ruling Congress party suffered a huge drubbing in the recently concluded elections because they failed to engage the young voters effectively.

The same thing will happen here in Malaysia. I wonder if and when Bukit Bendera MP Zairil Khir Johari becomes DAP's secretary general one day, will Utusan still label the party as racist?

I doubt it, because for all we know, when that time comes, Utusan may no longer exist!

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