YOURSAY 'This change will see much complications as public and private sectors having different days off.'
It's official: Johor moves weekend to Friday, Saturday
Vijay47: Johor, though now a partially cracked fixed deposit for Umno, boasts a vibrant economy and pace of life that reflects the success of the consistent efforts put in by both the state and federal governments.
With this achievement, it would not be unreasonable for Johor to enjoy a well-earned lull through a Friday-Saturday weekend and returning to work on Sunday as the lazy world sleeps, time should be available to recover from the stresses and demands of the just-ended break.
Since the rest of the world will be shut down, except of course Iran and Saudi Arabia, Johoreans will have the whole of Sunday to earn well-deserved respite.
This would inspire and stimulate them to toil at full steam during the four universal workdays of Monday to Thursday and thus carry the state and Malaysia towards the long-awaited Shangri-La of 2020.
Selangor, Penang, and the other uninformed states, what are you waiting for? Let's leggo!
Retnam: Smart economic move. All shops in Johor will now be open on Sundays. Singaporeans can now come in greater numbers to Johor to do their purchases on their weekend.
Hbasill: It is a good idea that the weekend is Friday and Saturday. The Muslims have had their way and most often don't work after Friday prayers. Now they can pray for as long as they want on Fridays. Smart move by the Johor sultan.
Proarte: This might be a move to improve productivity. Muslims tend to regard Friday afternoon as a 'day off' and many don't come back to work after Friday prayers.
Now Muslims will have to pray in their own time rather than at the expense of their employers. This means Sunday to Thursday will be full working days. Productivity has increased 10 percent in one stroke. Well done.
Baliboy: These might only good to those work in the factory, but for those in trading and service industries will lose a day on communicating with the globe.
Dappy: This change will see much complications as public and private sectors having different days off.
Singapore former PM Lee Kuan Yew was right when he cautioned the Singaporeans on investing in Iskandar, as things will just change with a stroke of a pen.
What about the poor school children? Schools will switch to Friday and Saturdays off, with the parents in private sectors having Sunday off.
The families will not be able to spend time together with different off days thanks to the Johor government with their absurd change.
DontPlayGod: This is another reason for international investors to shun Johor. These foreign investors need to communicate or liaise with the parent company overseas.
Investing in Johor means they have one day less to communicate with their parent companies.
Acik Ajar: It is advantageous for Johor to work on Sunday rather than on Friday. It will enjoy very good business on Sunday as its neighbour Singapore will flock in on that day for shopping. May Allah bless Johor for its move.
Legit: Are they serious about developing the state? There are many foreign businesses located in Singapore and they follow their headquarters, which means Saturday/Sunday weekend.
Why would the state government not want to follow the normal and make itself investor non-friendly? The Johor royal family has always been progressive in their thinking since the days of Sultan Abu Bakar, so why move backward? So many oxymoron questions!
Fair Play: At least there is transparency and fairness as the private sector has the option to choose.
Geronimo: For those who need to survive especially during these turbulent times, just retain the status quo i.e. work from Monday to Friday, and rest on Sunday.
Saturday can be an option whether to work or otherwise. Can the authorities stop the rakyat if they wish to retain the status quo?
We are already lagging behind in international commerce and trade, and here we have cockamamie idea that will drive us further behind.
Anonymous #1278079: How about the Catholics/Christians who worship on Sunday?
Franco: I am neither a Muslim nor Christian, but I believe that the entire country should observe a common rest day.
Therefore, even the former federated states of Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang and the former Straits Settlement of Penang and Malacca should also change the weekends to Friday and Saturday.
We have been independent since 1957 and should observe what is practical for this country. If one observes Friday as a working day, we all know what happens after the end of Friday prayers.
Go to any government office and 99 percent of the time the "system" will be down or offline.
Oh Ya?: It is unfortunate that while the entire world is progressing this country, ruled by misguided elite, is not only regressing but will soon be retarded.
There is no need for the ruling elite to tell others to migrate, they will leave in drove voluntarily.
Mike1963: Everybody can bark till the cows come home but nothing is going to change the decision of the sultan. Look at the history of Johor and you will know. It's a waste of time.
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