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Soi Lek beginning to see ghosts everywhere
Published:  Oct 5, 2013 10:49 AM
Updated: 3:27 AM

YOURSAY 'Lee Hwa Beng should be proud that he is no longer a MCA member when the party is led by a shameless, tainted president.'

Hwa Beng booted out of MCA for inviting Kit Siang

your sayFerdtan: The witch-hunt is on in MCA. It is directed at the MCA dissenters, in particular those who are anti-party president Dr Chua Soi Lek.

The MCA boss is not leaving any chance to anyone of ‘dethroning' him as the head of the party. He sees ghosts everywhere. Obviously he sees one in former Subang state representative Lee Hwa Beng as Lee had been outspoken for a while before and after the general election.

Lee can do great damage by shooting from the hip as he has nothing to lose. After all, he is not holding any post either in the party or the government.

We, from the outside, are really enjoying ourselves with the power fights within the party. Out with the popcorn; we are witnessing the beginning of the end of this one-race party, serving the interest of only the Chinese.

If they disappeared from the political scene then we have one fewer race-based party in Malaysia.

KJ John: Bro, no matter what they think, you wrote a good book which tells all and you got to take this good photo (above) which shows two good men with you, and can only push you in the direction of the good.

Unfortunately, CSL (Chua Soi Lek) only has ‘movie' skills and his first effort was in bad taste. Therefore, the good cannot mix with the ugly.

Move ahead; DAP can be a better party with your skills and knowledge on "serving the rakyat" which you were good at.

Survivor: What is this? Being filmed having sex with a woman not your wife won't get you the sack? But inviting an opposition leader to launch a book can get you sacked? What type of culture is this?

Trublumalaysian: I'm flummoxed at the irony of this; a reigning president who's bared his bare-butt amongst most who would not care to see, and statesman LKS (Lim Kit Siang) attending a launch by a MCA member LHB (Lee Hwa Beng).

The level of childishness is nothing less than nauseating.

Continue-The-March: I used in live in Subang Jaya. LHB was the assemblyman and well-liked by the constituents. He won three terms in a row.

However, he lost in 2008 when he stood in the Kelana Jaya parliamentary seat because of the Pakatan Rakyat tsunami.

He is an honest person who dares to stand up and be counted in the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) investigation and wrote a book on the subject. He should join Pakatan and continue to serve the nation.

JoanH: I would have had much greater respect for Lee Hwa Beng and held him to be a man of principles if he had taken the step to resign from MCA. Getting sacked doesn't earn one the respect. Anyway, I can't understand why he was still trying to hang on to MCA.

Dont Just Talk: Lee Hwa Beng should be proud that he is no longer a MCA member when the party is led by a shameless, tainted president who was caught with his pants down.

I would have resigned as a member of the party the day when Chua Soi Lek was elected president by his supporters.

PCIM: It looks like people of integrity cannot remain in MCA. Lee Hwa Beng is courageous enough to act without fear or favour in exposing the PKFZ scandal. What a loss to MCA.

Cala: As a three-time state assemblyman of MCA, LHB has been acting courageously for unearthing the shabby deals of Port Klang Free Zone.

His role was therefore one of whistleblower, a job considered exemplary for any government who believe in efficiency, morality and principles.

But alas, these are not the tenets of Umno-led BN regime which lacks ideologies (Wain, 2009). I see LHB has nothing to lose, but plenty to gain from this sacking.

Josie: The absence of the observance of due process and transparency by decision-makers of societies including political parties registered under the Registrar of Societies (ROS) raises questions on the levels of internal governance and accountability of these organisations.

It is worth looking at powers given to the executive committee of societies in the constitution. But what hope is there as abuse of power hardly raises an eyebrow in this country?

MCA Member: What difference does it make? CSL might as well sack all members. By the way, he is so immature and small-minded.

Why can't Lee invite a person who is respected and adored by the public? To the Chinese community MCA is irrelevant and most Chinese despise CSL. Such an irony that he claims to represent the community's interest.

Neutral Stance: I am a life member of MCA and I have dissociated myself from MCA since 2008.

I believe, there are many like me. We are not bother whether the party sack us or not as we have given up hope in this party which has no principle and no accountability.

Factnot Fiction: Congratulations Hwa Beng! Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked.

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