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Anwar, why so apologetic about meeting the Pope?
Published:  Sep 18, 2013 8:20 AM
Updated: 2:33 AM

VOXPOP ‘People of different ideologies meeting is not just about conversion. Mature, wise people do so for better understanding and remain unwavered in their beliefs.’

Anwar 'expects trouble' over meeting with Pope

vox populi small thumbnail YUNoAnon: People of different ideologies meeting is not just about conversion. Mature, wise people do so for better understanding and remain unwavered in their beliefs. Only the idiotic morons become insecure and claim they are easily confused.

Baiyuensheng: Why so apologetic in meeting the pope. Does it make you a lesser Malaysian? A lesser Malay? a lesser person?

Doc: See Anwar Ibrahim, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad meeting Pope John Paul II was okay. Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak meeting Pope Benedict XVI was okay. Unfortunately for you to meet Pope Francis I is not okay. As for the reason, just hold on and I'm sure Utusan Malaysia will provide a reason.

Brahman: Only Umno would see the invitation by the Pope on a selfish level. The invitation is for, as quoted, "high-level dialogue between Muslims, Christians and leaders of other faiths in Rome", meaning to have better understanding between the religions with the ultimate target of peace and mutual respect.

There is what all human beings on this planet irrespective of race and religion should strive for.


Don't worry Anwar, you are meeting the head of state of a country where Malaysia has established diplomatic relations, not Israel or some hedge fund managers from Bermuda or Virgin Island.

Anonymous_3e06: For sake of peace, justice, equality and respect for humanity, goodwill for religious freedom and respect for cultures of different races and tribes, it will be a good meet, even if such a meeting is called by a devil.

Go Anwar, go, for it. You will be a statesperson rather than politician of useless quality where race, corruption betrayal of promises, injustice and race-based policies be the hallmark.


Anwar is making political capital out of meeting the Pope. Many Muslim leaders meet the Pope and it's a sign of honour for them. The Popes have always spoken out in defence of the Muslims of Bosnia, and the people of Palestine, Syria and elsewhere.

The Vatican applauded when the Roman Catholic Croats of Bosnia defended the Muslims in that country against their Christian Orthodox Serb countrymen. Strangely, the Croats did not complain when the Muslims declared Bosnia as an Islamic state.

Rakyatfirst: There is a certainly a need for more dialogues and engagements between people of different faiths. not only at the peak level, but also at the grassroot level. No man is an island. Please, do not allow religion to divide us but to make us more knowledgeable about each other better, as we are all made by Him

Mohican: Well, Anwar is only meeting the Pope but not the devils who are an obstacle to peace and dialogue.

Ruben: As a Malaysian first and a Catholic, I am so proud and happy that the Pope invited Anwar to meet him. Having said that Umno, Malay rights NGO Perkasa will do their utmost to discredit him.

Well Najib also met the Pope but that will be quickly forgotten. Also I am sure that Anwar will be blamed for supporting Christians, the ridiculous Christianisation claims of Malaysia etc.

Rahman: Anwar is so proud that he has to tell well in advance of his group tour to meet the Pope. In so doing, he started pre-emptive strikes against his possible detractors. These detractors have not yet any opinion about his tour to Rome and yet Anwar embarked on his holy attack.

This time he made it very clear that it wasn't him who asked to see the Pope as during GE13 when it was discovered that it was him who set for former Indonesian vice-president Jusuf Kalla to broker his unity talks with Najib in anticipation of the former losing the election and going back to prison.

That is Anwar, always thirsty for media coverage. Actually, if he had not brought up the matter, nobody would actually care. But at a time when the media don't pay attention to him following his PKR-BN dialogue proposal, he has to elicit some illicit stories. As much as Anwar is wont to pre-empt others, his actions are predictable.

PSM: RM30bil bumi allocation unfair to poor bumis

Swipenter: This is call robbing the poor to make the rich richer. Just a different label for doing the same old thing. And the Chinese would be used as the bogeyman to carry on as usual. How convenient to fit that in the agenda of racial politics and to justify "affirmative actions" to go on endlessly. The resources to sustain special privileges are also running thin, so better to make hay when there is still sunshine left.

Toonarmy: The 60 percent of Malay households with a family income of less than RM2,000 per month will not see any of the RM30 billion. This allocation to boost the bumiputera economic status is just an excuse for the minority Umnoputras to help themselves to the RM30 billion.

Jean Pierre: The state of the country is revealed when we are not looking for one capable person to lead us but one honest man, never mind his capability, and still not succeeding.

Kamikasi: Looks like all the talk of patriotism comes down to one thing, money. All the threats spewing from all the extreme rights groups is basically that they stand to enrich themselves with this announcement by the PM.

Without the free money, Umno is dead. Talking about corruption, this is the highest form taking place right under our very nose. To all right-thinking Malays, we are equally worried that one day when the money runs out, patriotism will go to the dogs.

Fairnsquare: Sometimes, I wonder if the politicians in the country are ignorant or they are there purely to mislead the rakyat. We have a unique political system that is racially driven. Today, the PM is rewarding the Malays who gave the strongest support to bring the BN to power. The position of the PM is decided by Umno in the Umno AGM.

Would it not be politically correct for the PM to look into the interest of Umno, in order to retain his position? At this point in time, it will be politcal suicide for the PM to say that all races, and even those who voted against the BN, will be given the best by the government.

Since the decision is by Umno and not the rest, expecting a different decision by the PM, would be expecting the politically-incorrect decision to be made by him and would be an unfair expectation. Unless the political system is revamped, the PM's decision is Hobson's choice and criticising it shows political ignorance, Not that I support it, but it is politically correct.


CD: The government has just lost their moral right to collect taxes from non-bumiputera Malaysians.

Haveagreatday: Yes, Dr D Jeyakumar, I believe you have hit the nail squarely on the head. Most of the RM30 billion allocation to bumiputeras will be swallowed by the Umnoputeras. Yes, a trickle will go the bumiputeras in the rural hinterlands to ensure they remained subdervient to the Umnoputeras.

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