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Dirty money in not-so-squeaky-clean Singapore
Published:  Mar 20, 2013 8:31 AM
Updated: 3:25 AM

YOURSAY 'The saga continues and in spite of all the incriminating evidence brought forth, nothing and no one has been able to bring the accused to justice.'

Sarawak's way of evading tax and shareholding rules

your say AnakBangsaMalaysia: It is an open secret that vast amounts of questionable wealth are being passed through and kept in Singapore, with much of it coming from Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Russia and the Middle East.

Now, we have irrefutable video proof that Umno-BN leaders and their cronies have been laundering money there too.

We now know for certain that Sarawak CM Taib Mahmud has been stashing some of his illegal wealth in Singapore (and the United Kingdom, Canada, etc).

Sabah CM Musa Aman is also suspected of stashing illicit wealth in Singapore through his frontman Michael Chia. And then we have Shahrizat Abdul Jalil with her RM30 plus million of condominiums in Singapore.

These are just the top of the iceberg. When Pakatan Rakyat takes over the federal government, we must immediately demand full disclosure and repatriation of illicit wealth stashed by Umno-BN leaders and their cronies in Singapore banks.

Nadarajan Rengasamy: "Singapore has a China Wall," said lawyer Alvin Chong.

I heard this before. Apparently the bulk of illegal monies is stashed away in Singapore and the Singaporean government affords protection against disclosure. Many industry players are well aware of this.

Fair&Just: Remember Amangate - the money illegally smuggled was in Singapore dollars and most probably from accounts in Singapore.

This little red dot portrays itself as a corruption free and clean society (it even ban chewing gum) but underneath it is a place for hiding dirty money.

Jean Pierre: These revelations are probably more damning to Singapore. For years, they had been accused of harbouring ill-gotten wealth of Burmese and Indonesian despots. What will they say now?

Mahashitla: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Internal Revenue Board (IRB) must act now.

Malaysians must now find a way to break down this 'great wall' of Singapore, which is allegedly protecting the billions of corrupt money from Malaysia.

P Dev Anand Pillai: Just look how the two sisters, daughters of Sarawak's former chief minister Abdul Rahman Ya'akub, belittled the rural folks of Sarawak, who according to them treat BN leaders like "kings".

They expect handouts, they said. Even after seeing all this, there are still many Malays here in the rural hinterlands like the jungle folks in Sarawak who will accept RM500 in cash and continue to vote for BN. So long as the people are stupid, don't expect BN to change.

Onyourtoes: I must say these are chicken feeds, otherwise how would the small-time cousins of Sarawak CM Abdul Taib Mahmud and a nincompoop lawyer get to smell it.

Just imagine they could reveal to a complete stranger on corruption, tax evasion, illegal circumventing of national policy and even implicating a foreign government in complicity without a blink in their eyes.

Goodness me; is Malaysia Somalia? With this revelation, I am sure those subservient enforcement/government agencies must now do extra work to exonerate whatever and whoever that were highlighted.

Now I understand why they must constantly keep the civil service happy by loading them with higher pay.

Ourvotesdecide!: Here's a very simple method to uncover the corruption web among the top leaders in Sarawak. Just call in anyone of the big guys.

Make him spill the beans then everything will be laid bare to all. It just require the MACC, the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) and Customs Department to take the necessary action.

If MACC can aggressively interrogate the late Teoh Beng Hock until he died for the mere suspicion of corruption involving the sum of less than RM2,000, surely they can and ought to be even much more aggressive in investigating these cases involving billions of ringgit.

Unless, of course, they only want to be tools of the BN to politically kill the Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

Travic: The saga continues and in spite of all the incriminating evidence brought forth, no one has been able to bring the accused to justice.

Justice must prevail and the people must be given what is rightfully theirs. Trust me, as long as there is no change in the powers-that-be, there will be no change.

Swipenter: Firstly if I were Alvin Chong, I would use the infamous Lingam defence - "It looks like me, sounds like me but it is not me."

Secondly, it is not surprising that Singapore is a safe haven for all the dirty money so long as the illegal activities are not done in island state.

They turn a blind eye to the source of the money. They just want the money made elsewhere to be parked in Singapore, but don't ever do your dirty business there for they will come after you with a very big stick.

So in this way they preserve their squeaky clean image internationally.

Daud: Many Singaporeans have woken up to the moral decay happening in their country and are willing to now vote for change. You have a so-called honest government but is willing to close one eye to money laundering elsewhere.

Borg Kinaulu: Is Singapore not breaking some international anti-money laundering laws/rules, or the like, for profiting from ill-gotten money like this?

In the land of the White Haired king, MACC is blind


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