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Dr M, Nor Mohamed gambled away OUR money
Published:  Sep 25, 2012 8:54 AM
Updated: 3:08 AM

YOURSAY 'Soros speculated in the currency market using his own money, whereas Mahathir and Nor Mohamed speculated using taxpayers' money.'

'92 losses: Soros vilified, Bank Negara man promoted

your say Telestai !: Obviously, it takes two hands to clap. If billionaire George Soros is named the currency manipulator, then Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) official and present minister Nor Mohamed Yakcop must have been his accomplice and former PM Mahathir Mohamad the co-offender.

I remember back then Jaafar Hussein who left Price Waterhouse to become the Bank Negara governor of the time later resigned to take responsibility.

I had later spoken to currency traders in Singapore, Hong Kong and London who had told me that BNM was well known in the market for its huge appetite for big ticket deals.

SK Lee : Soros speculated in the currency market using his own money, whereas Mahathir and Nor Mohamed speculated using taxpayers' money. Soros did make his pile of money but our two useless chaps lost RM5.7 billion.

Starr: Bagan MP Lim Guan Eng is absolutely right in pointing this out. BNM undertook currency speculation in the 1990s under former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad's direction and lost billions of ringgit.

No action was ever taken against the rogue traders then. That clearly shows the biassed nature and double standards of Mahathir.

Onyourtoes: This is all Johnny comes too late. For someone who had lost billions, we mustn't forget he was appointed first as the second finance minister before being appointed minister in the PM's Department in charge of economic planning and privatisation.

So we can more or less imagine what sort of financial management, economic planning and privatisation we can expect from the billion ringgit losing man.

He is not the only one with such good fortune, by the way. What about a former director-general of Economic Planning Unit caught with a hundred thousand cash in his office, who was subsequently appointed Bank Negara governor in the aftermath of the 1997/98 financial crisis after Anwar was sacked?

We should know who the one who made all these decisions was - the old man who is still calling the shots today, two prime ministers later.

Tailek: In most countries, politicians who have been detained and incarcerated for their political beliefs such as Aung San Suu Kyi and Nelson Mandela wear it like a badge of honour.

In BN-ruled Malaysia, only politicians who have been embroiled in mega financial scandals and controversy are destined for high office. This is Malaysia Boleh and PM Najib Razak's ‘Janji Ditepati'.

Mushiro: It is clear that Umno is only interested to vilify PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim for it own political mileage and protect Mahathir and Nor Mohamed.

If Anwar was really involved in the Bank Negara forex (foreign exchange) scandal, then I should think that Mahathir and Umno with all its power would have pinned Anwar down.

Why didn't the attorney-general prosecute Anwar then, if there was evidence of his involvement in the forex losses?

It clearly shows that Mahathir and Nor Mohamed gambled away our money in the forex market and Umno had no choice but to protect their ‘father of corruption'.

Anonymous #91229726: They can vilify Anwar for all the wrongdoings that he has done and it will all point back to Umno.

As part of Umno, whatever Anwar had done was an Umno wrongdoing. If they find fault with Anwar now, why not charge him and dig out all the dirt to see whose this dirt belongs to?

Boiling Mud: Nor Mohamed must answer to Anwar's assertion at the lobby of our supposedly august house that he had instructed him (Nor Mohamed) to resign and to relinquish all posts in the financial world, including those in private companies.

Pemerhati: We have also read elsewhere that Bank Negara lost a whopping RM30 billion or so while trading on the forex market over many years. Can we have the real truth on the people responsible for this terrible financial disaster and the amount actually lost due to currency speculation?

It is most unlikely the Umno-controlled government will reveal the truth. We will need a new honest government to do that.

Anonymous #19098644 : In this case, Dr M was right when he recently said that BN was the devil we know. Twelve terms of misgovernment by the known devil is more than enough. It is time for change.

Vijay47: Mahathir's latest revelation from high heaven is that Soros is out to install a puppet whom he would then manipulate for some foul reason or the other.

Thus any person in cahoots with some power to surrender Malaysia's sovereignty would be guilty of high treason.

Such being the case, perhaps the IGP (inspector-general of police) should commence action against Mahathir and Mohamed Yakcop for fraternising with enemies of the state, as shown in photographs of the two together with Soros.

Odin: Why is George Soros vilified as a rogue speculator, but the person responsible for the loss was given a promotion?

Answer: Because Soros is a Jew, whereas the amateur gambler is, like Mahathir, a 'first-class Malay'.

Definition of first-class Malay: The offspring(s) of any Acehnese, Balinese, Banjarese, Bantenese, Batak, Betawi, Bugis, Cirebonese, Javanese, Madurese, Makassarese, Minangkabau, Sasak, Sundanese and Dravidians from India, who are Muslims.

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