YOURSAY ‘No one cares who wrote that letter. Are the allegations true or not? That's what we want to know...'
Bogus crime figures letter 'probably not by cop'
Ipohcrite: I think the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) have again misunderstood the whole crux of the matter. When crime statistics indicate that crime rate has reduced in 2010, 2011 and 2012, and yet the public feel unsafe, that calls for serious assessment of the crime situation.
Statistics are subject to manipulation. Why, nowadays, even the homes of police officers are burgled and robbed, and yet they are quite helpless to do anything about that. And you call that an improved situation and winning the battle against crime?
That is an amazing stretch of imagination by any measure.
2ctsworth: Good explanation as ‘Ah Jib Gor' (Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak) would have liked it. A creative one, but only one little problem, we don't believe you, police.
Donplaypuks: No one cares who wrote that letter. Are the allegations true or not? That's what we want to know from the PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein. Don't spin and spin.
Raja Chulan: What is the purpose of PDRM discrediting the informer or messenger? It would be best if PDRM can instead convince us that they are telling us the truth and not lying or manipulating the crime statistics.
Come on- lah, PDRM, your credibility is down in the drain already so don't try to talk about others.
Conmen: Whether this letter is right or wrong, the police is still responsible for assuring that law enforcement is not compromised, that crime prevention is carried out to the public satisfaction and that the trigger-happy cops in their midst behave themselves and not become a disgrace to the uniform they adorn.
This sure reminds one of lawyer VK Lingam in his "looks like me, sounds like me, but it's not me" kind of crap.
So here in this instance we have a situation of "looks like being written by a cop, the contents appears like information only known by a cop, but he's not a cop".
Podeh: If the anonymous letter was not from a police personnel, how is it possible for him to know all the details about classification of "index cases and non-index cases"? Maybe he's an angel sent from above to let PDRM know that all is not well down below. Maybe he wanted us to repent.
Mat Salleh: So we are supposed to believe Bukit Aman police secretariat (public relations) assistant head Ramli Mohamed? Or do we believe the writer? My money's on the writer.
ONG: If crime is waning, why is it that the number of ‘illegal' barriers meant to keep out intruders in residential areas keep increasing until the whole country looks like a war zone?
Jedi_Who: They took a long time in figuring out how to discredit that expose on the crime stats. The question is that someone with quite a bit of knowledge on their operations is still out there and ready to expose them.
Can we believe PDRM? After all, PDRM works for Umno, so you can figure it out yourself.
Blogsmith: With the credibility of BN and associated national institutions at an all-time low, who in Malaysia will believe them?
Onyourtoes: It is hard for me to believe the number of crimes, in absolute term, has declined unless 2009 was an exceptionally bad year.
With increase population, urbanisation and unfettered entry of foreigners, how can we ever expect the number of crimes to drop in absolute term over time, unless the police have suddenly discovered a super effective method to fight crime and unless 2009 was the peak year?
Were we safer in 2009 or are we feeling much worse today? Rightly, over time, crime rates should be compared on per thousand or per hundred thousand population basis.
I think the National Key Result Areas (NKRA) are formulated by people who do not know how to count and hence they are now under extreme pressure to prove right the performance that they have no means of achieving.
I hope it is not too difficult for the nincompoops to understand what I am trying to say.
Anomnim: With just pure logic, knowing the population is increasing, the number of migrants (whether legal or illegal) is increasing and with the economic turmoil - how can our crime rates be dropping consistently while the countries around us record an increase?
I would like to think our police is doing a good job but my experience so far is telling me otherwise. And the admission of our minister - that crime fighting was never the focus until now - doesn't really help.
Lynn: Wow, that's convenient. Just say it's bogus and inaccurate.
Opah: Why is it necessary to separate crimes into ‘index' and ‘non-index' at all? We should have an overall crime rate, which should be further broken down into the respective categories - burglary, theft, rape, etc.
We need a simple, easily understood system that correctly reflects the actual situation. The fact that some crimes are excluded from the index means it is an attempt to obfuscate and confuse.
Anonymous #82925764: Since they have said it, why don't PDRM show us the 'right' information?
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