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'Dr M living proof how ISA has been abused'
Published:  Apr 18, 2012 9:19 AM
Updated: 7:52 AM

YOURSAY 'Former ISA detainee Tan Ka Kheng's case had nothing to do with internal security. He just disagreed with Mahathir.'

Detained in Kamunting for opposing rare earths plant

your say Justice Pao: The use of ISA to detain Tan Ka Kheng - who was trying to fight against the Bukit Merah Rare Earth plant (ARE), Bakun dam, etc, to protect the people of Malaysia - by Mahathir shows that the law has been misused by BN.

This liar of a PM has been blatantly using ISA to remove anyone who stood against him so that he can protect his children and his cronies, who have been pilfering the Treasury.

Yet he has the cheek to say that ISA is good for the country.

Ferdtan: Thank you Malaysiakini for choosing professor Tan Ka Kheng to interview in 'ISA Focus'. He is a much lesser known ISA detainee nabbed under Operasi Lalang in 1987.

It is heartwarming to know there are people like Tan who unselfishly gave up his time and liberty to stand with the common folks against the tyrannical government then under Mahathir.

The beauty of the whole article is that Tan remains steadfastly resolved after many years had passed to continue the struggle, this time with the Stop Lynas Save Malaysia (SMSL) group.

To quote 'Lord of the Rings' tribute to the brave little hobbits, "I expect they had lots of chances, of turning back, only they didn't.

"And if they had, we wouldn't know because they'd have been forgotten. We hear about those who have just went on - and not all to a good end, mind you."

You, Tan, are one of the hobbits who perseveres to whatever the end it may be.

Lim Chong Leong: Former ISA detainee Tan Ka Kheng's case had nothing to do with internal security. He just disagreed with the PM of that time, Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

This is another example of the abuse of the ISA. The laws are not our problem. It is the people who abuse the laws who are our problem.

Anonymous #12566075 : This is yet another clear case of ISA misused by the authorities. How can Mahathir till today still say ISA is a good law?

He used it to detain Tan for campaigning against the radioactive waste dumpsite on behalf of the villagers and was branded a terrorist. Given the chance, Mahathir should be put in jail to let him experience life in prison.

FellowMalaysian: The debacle of the Bukit Merah rare earth plant shows another inglorious deed by Mahathir, who had abused the ISA to the hilt by detaining and torturing innocent protesters.

Tan's account brings to light the cruelty and viciousness of Mahathir who, in his blaze and hurry to create his envisioned utopia, would without hesitation decimated any opposition in his path.

Why should we support a regime which continues to defend as well as to hide behind abusive laws and that uses them liberally and mercilessly?

Swipenter: Tan Ka Kheng, time has proven that you are not a rebel without a cause.

The ARE and Bakun Dam projects, along with the marginalisation and exploitation of the natives and the resultant pollution of the land and atmosphere are still problems we are grappling with till today.

It's the same thing with the ISA and its replacement law, not to mention the misuse and abuse of power by using the excuse of communism as a bogeyman to harass, demonise and arrest dissenters - a tactic that is still very much used today by the powers-that-be.

Nothing much has changed from the days of Ops Lalang. We are still very much ruled by fear to stifle dissent by the political elite in order for them to maintain their political power.

The only drastic change is that ordinary Malaysians are becoming more politically aware and mature, and are losing the fear to voice their opposition and displeasure regarding national issues openly and loudly.

Anonymousa: You see people like Tan and others who have been trying to protect the land of Sarawak from being raped by BN, or precisely by Mahathir, however the people, especially the natives, without fail faithfully vote the thieves back in to loot them some more - how sad can that be?

Anonyxyz: The Chinese believe that if you do evil deeds, your future generations will pay for your sins.

For all the evils of Mahathir, he thinks he can get away scot-free because he and his immediate family are not suffering today and are basking in the ill-gotten wealth he had pilfered.

However, the end is still to come: he who laughs first will cry last.

Keturunan Malaysia: As I have said many a time, you can beat the life out of a body but you can never beat what he/she believes in his/her heart and mind.

My sincere salutation Tan Ka Kheng.


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