YOURSAY ‘Umno-BN are a millstone around the neck of all Malaysians, and have been since the mid-1960s, if not earlier.'
Shahrizat is Najib's millstone
The root cause of all the ills that face this country can be traced to just one factor - a race-based policy that has absolutely no governance.
A race-based approach to nation building is doomed to failure right at the outset in a multiracial society. With no governance at all simply compounds the tragedy.
The trouble is, no one in Umno is willing to bite the bullet and go for excellence as a model - in everything. This way, the best man/woman may come forth (regardless) of race or background and that, in turn, breeds even greater competition to be excellent.
It is astonishing to see so much good that can come of this model is tossed by the wayside simply because a few self-serving individuals (who care nothing about the country or its people) are allowed to stay in power and drive this country downhill.
Podeh: The transition of Malaya to Malaysia is not a success story; it is in fact a near disaster.
For one, it has destroyed the harmonious relationship of the various races; it has destroyed religious tolerance and most importantly, it has brought unbridled arrogance amongst Umno's two-bit politicians and spawn immeasurable corruption - corruption that can bring the country to its knees. And yet they never/refuse to learn.
Like it or not, we, Malaysians, are being led to the house of slaughter. The separation of Singapore from Malaysia is a success story; we, on the other side of the Causeway, can only stand and watch, and envy them.
Sadirah: Shahrizat Abdul Jalil is arrogant because she know that all of them have their dark stories. Should former minister Rafidah Aziz say more, than there is the approved permits (APs) scandal and her family's links to the sordid deal.
Who has clean hands? They are all in it together and that is why they lack the moral integrity to deal with her.
What has Najib to say about the submarine deals and what has Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the present defence minister, to say about following in the footsteps of his predecessor, the PM?
The Umno elites and the Umnoputras have raped this country and this has been the story from the days of Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
It is good that Shahrizat is not stepping down for this keeps the issue on the agenda.
If you can have the minister for religious affairs taking money from the zakat funds and then rationalising the same, nothing should surprise anyone.
Manjit Bhatia: Shahrizat is a millstone around Najib's neck. In fact, she's a millstone around Umno and BN's necks, too. But Umno-BN are a millstone around the neck of all Malaysians, and have been since the mid-1960s, if not earlier.
Only in 2008 did a section of Malaysians begin to understand the extent of the regime's putrescence. Since then structural and institutional decay has gripped the country. Still, only 30 percent of Malaysians are likely to weigh against this rancid regime.
I respect folks like Rafizi Ramli and Tony Pua in exposing the regime for all its thuggery and bastardry, but it won't be enough to mobilise many more Malaysians to toss this regime out on its ear.
That's mostly because of latent ignorance that in turn breeds overwhelming apathy.
And it's not being helped by a flip-flopping Pakatan Rakyat, whose leader remains loose on policies and what exactly he stands for - none of which have been nutted out to the public except in typically facile ways.
Liew Lean Kut: Shahrizat is not Najib's millstone. The ministers and all the politicians who indulged in corruption are the millstones of the citizens of Malaysia, Shahrizat included.
Malaysia is a corrupt country. Corruption had contaminated the whole fabric of the Malaysian society and the poor rakyat has been paying a very high price for it a long, long time.
How long are we going to bear the evil yoke of corruption before a new dawn rises. I regret I have no time to see it happen.
Loyal Malaysian: The British minister for energy and climate change resigned on being charged with hiding a traffic offence even before he assumed office. Indeed, Shahrizat has no moral shame at all.
Bluemountains: The PM is in a real tight spot. He cannot be seen to be doing nothing as the issue can cause the defeat of his government at the 13th general election.
The most logical thing to do will be to call for a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) and allow the personalities involved to be held accountable. This may be the only way to save himself and his government.
Dudeh: Islam strongly forbids the abuse of power and corruption. It is considered as among the major sins. It is unfortunate that Umno politicians resort to 'Islamic' acts to show their innocence. Please don't equate the ‘follower' with the religion.
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