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LGBTs, too, are God's creatures
Published:  Jan 18, 2012 9:52 AM
Updated: 4:58 AM

YOURSAY 'These people who in Hasan's eyes are sinners and deviants did not chose to be born as such. What is so criminal about them?'

'I oppose Anwar's pro-LGBT stance'

your say Geronimo: Former Selangor exco Hasan Ali, you are lucky you are born straight. Had you been born a gay, would you have done the right thing by committing suicide so as not to shame the religion?

Had anyone of your children turned out to be a gay, would you kill all of them to save your religion. God forbids!

As a good Muslim, you should at least show some empathy towards these people who couldn't help the way they behave.

You are really good at demonising people and crucifying them because they are a little different from you. Punishment will come when the next child born into your family will turn out to be a gay.

Hasan, you are now a nobody and a persona non-grata. Stop wasting everybody's time and get on with your life. Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has already been acquitted by the court. Why are you still hounding him and insisting that he is a sodomite?

Aren't you crossing the boundary here on respecting the rights of others. If you don't, then don't expect anyone of us to respect you.

The many postings by Malaysiakini readers say it all. If you continue with your tirade against your former colleagues or any members of Pakatan Rakyat, you will not be spared from public ridicule.

Retire from politics. Go to Tibet and do some meditation. It will sure help heal your soul.

Lin Wenquan: Call it an accident or misadventure, let us nor forget that lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transexuals (LGBTs) are God's creatures as well.

We are taught that there are things in nature that cannot be explained. These people who in Hasan's eyes are sinners and deviants did not chose to be born as such.

What is so criminal about these people? They lead an honest life, pay taxes and generally mind their own business.

On the other hand, we have so-called self-appointed 'religious moral guardians' the likes of Hasan who are really hypocrites and who condemn and persecute these otherwise normal people.

The bottom line, as far as Hasan is concerned, is he has a selfish agenda to cuddle up to Umno. He may have misjudged Umno's real plans for him.

To Umno, it is better for Hasan to subvert PAS from within rather than embarrassing the ruling party by accepting him.

Proarte: As things get more competitive between the rival political camps, they will need all the votes they can muster.

Gays and lesbians represent about 5% to 10% of the population. Pakatan should not fall for the Umno trap and express anti-gay positions.

The best approach is to be neutral. That way, Pakatan may get a sizeable chunk of the 'pink' vote which could possibly lead the way to Putrajaya.

Queenie: Hasan Ali, the thing that amazes me most is that you actually have followers and who knows there may be a couple of gays among them.

They are a bunch of losers who would go along with your warped sense of reasoning and myopic agenda.

Any further news on the high-powered Christian task force who is on a crusade to convert Malay Muslims to Christianity?

What a joke, but I can see your tactic in this instance. Make a wild allegation to impress your fellow Muslims and then leave it open-ended. This can only work with those who are stupid, right?

Lover Boy: Hasan, why are you against the LGBTs? After all, our Petronas scholarship medical student got married to an Irish gentleman in full Hang Tuah regalia.

I think he looks resplendent in that outfit and that is what we say ‘Malaysia Truly Asia'.

Lim Chong Leong: Since Anwar's acquittal, Umno has taken on a new front to attack him. by labelling him pro-LGBT.

How come Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian and Hasan Ali now suddenly are using this ‘LGBT' phrase? I bet Najib thought about this only after the acquittal.

James1067: Talking about God, but rejecting what God have created, is the work of a hypocrite.

We may not accept of their sexual preference but it does not gives us the right to judge them. If you think that they are on the wrong path, than it's your work to guide them to the right path with love.

Don't forget that the devil has not created anything but likes to destroy, and Hasan you are helping him by condemning them.

Keturunan Malaysia: As Napoleon once said, "The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people."


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