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I, too, want to do charity, here's my bank account
Published:  Dec 22, 2011 8:48 AM
Updated: 3:19 AM

YOURSAY 'How come no one has banked in their donations into my personal account? I can also distribute such donations to the people.'

Awang Adek: Yes, I received cash deposits, but...

your say Anonymous: My fellow Malaysians, it is not the money rather the timing of this exposure. I think the jostling for seats in GE13 is really on now and if the whistleblower is an Umno goon, it is a sure sign that Umno is imploding.

Imagine if this fellow is from Pakatan Rakyat - would he still be able to sit down there to talk as if nothing is wrong?

MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission), Deputy Finance Minister Awang Adek has admitted that he got the money in his personal account. What other evidence do you need to arrest him?

Abasir: If this is condoned, as it is likely to be by Umno, it simply means that any minister or deputy can collect 'donations' in his/her personal account from all and sundry.

I wonder how widespread and established this practice is in this cabinet, which is led by the one who swore on the Quran that he 'did not know that woman'.

Anonymous_40ca: To the PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police), who are on monthly take from the public, use Awang Adek explanation to the MACC when caught and you will never be charged.

"Every month I receive money from the public because the public ask me to help other less fortunate members of the public in need of money."

By Election Fan: Donations into personal account? Expect us to believe it? MACC what say you? No case again? Good dog...

20121221Disaster: Why are these identified corrupt leaders of Umno not being taken to task by any other Umno leaders or punished by his or her superior (or immediate boss)?

Because there is no Umno leader who is clean and not corrupted. And they know very well of one another's corrupt practices. So how dare they criticise and complain on the identified defaulters?

Dark Archon: How come no one banked their donations into my personal account? I can also distribute such donations to the people...

Deputy finance minister denies corruption allegation

Anonymous_3da0: The bloodletting before the next GE (general election) has begun. Thieves in Umno are wondering whether they will be outed as Umno's top brass start removing certain personalities not aligned to them by exposing their corruption.

But if you're in their good books, you can steal all you want and everything will be covered up nicely.

Kgen: There was a time when the corrupt protect themselves by taking only cash. Now it's so open and shameless that they just use their own bank accounts.

And why not? MACC will never take action against them unless they fall out of political favour. At the most MACC will make a show of investigating before declaring, "Semua OK!"

Onyourtoes: Don't worry too much, Awang Adek and the two aides. You fellows are safe. Investigation is just a formality to justify the big fat salary paid to those in MACC.

Do you know why I come to this conclusion? It is simple - those who are supposed to supervise and watch over you are themselves tainted. They cannot comment, condemn and say anything against you.

It will boomerang back to them if they do so. So, not to worry too much, after all Kelantan needs you. Next time, ask for a little more if you can, the amount must befit your position.

Faz: Serving in the government had its advantages as modus operandi for this type of agreement is well-known.

I would say the revelations here are in accordance to the normal scripts. For government departments, ‘wahyu' (revelation) from the top will come to resolve problems especially pertaining to awarding of contracts.

What surprise me was the blatant use of local cheques and the contra method of crediting the accounts, which has no finesse in concealing the transaction.

This only show their arrogant nature - that whatever they do, they can get away scot-free. Well, good luck to these corrupted politicians, but I am sure, the rakyat will hold them to account soon.

Swipenter: Corruption has become a way of life here. Enrich a few at the expense of everyone. Corruption ensures the public gets sub-standard quality both in services and products at their expense.

Just take a look at the collapsing and leaking ceilings of government buildings like courts, stadiums, community halls, sub-standard highways, roads, overpriced items, etc, is enough to make you sick and your blood boils.

If you look a bit deeper, all the projects are somehow connected and related to Umno and their cronies.

Armageddon: Only if the alleged parties are from the opposition, MACC's action will be swift, even before this news is being published by Malaysiakini .


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