VOXPOP ‘We are being made to fear and fight each other so that they can divide and rule, and plunder the country.'
'They're trying to send us back to iron fist rule'
Freedom from fear is a fundamental right just like other fundamental freedoms - freedom from ignorance and freedom from hunger.
The Umno/BN-led government has always used fear and ignorance to pit the Malays against non-Malays in order to divide and rule.
Ordinary Malaysians - Malays, Chinese, Indians, Dayaks, etc - must begin to understand how the ruling political elites of Umno, MCA, MIC and others exploit our fear and ignorance to their advantage at the expense of everyone of us and our country.
They make us fight one another and whilst we are busy going at each other's throats, they rape and plunder the country resources and wealth, for themselves.
That is why we as a country, cannot reach our full potential; we are too divided and corruption is robbing us of our wealth.
We have been robbed of being attaining the status of a first-class country by these unscrupulous and corrupt politicians. We must unite against fear, ignorance and corruption.
RR: We can clearly see that Islam is being manipulated by the so-called leaders for their own selfish interests and to perpetuate their popularity and existing positions by implanting fear and hatred in the minds of the rakyat.
We hope the majority of the people will understand their tricks and strategies to undermine the peace of this nation.
Fair Play: Why should we place so much emphasis on what National Defence University professor Ridhuan Tee Abdullah said?
The rakyat has the power to decide what sort of future they want for their children, and their children's children.
CHKS: Why not have a debate between Ridhuan Tee and another scholar on the topic ‘Does Islam support human rights?'
Another ex-Anwar ally appointed senator
Anonymous_40f4: To discredit Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim after sacking him, Umno accused KS Nallakaruppan of "arranging" three women for him. Now they make him senator.
Abil: If you want to be a senator, just disparage Anwar and you will be awarded. That is the quality of Umno and BN. They do not see whether a person is well-suited and accepted by the rakyat.
Unfortunately, our new senator is just there for a short while until the next elections as he knows that he can't win a MP's post.
Ferdtan: Under whose allocation from BN is Nalla appointed as senator - MIC's?
It looks like MIC loses again. You fight with Umno faithfully for 50 years, and a greenhorn in politics gets rewarded over your own members.
BN loves to reward any treacherous men, who have no qualms in betraying their former friends, especially Anwar - their greatest fear.
Nalla got his money, now who is next - former PKR MP N Gobalakrishnan? A couple of days ago, he was possibly trying to get attention for himself from his Umno master by raising a ruckus in Parliament fighting his former collegues, and got kicked out for it.
Good try, Gobalakrishnan, your job has been taken by your own kind - the one who betrays his friends.
Opposition MP moves to dock PM's salary by a month
Swen: It's great of Batu MP Tian Chua to have moved this motion to deduct one month of Prime Minister Najib Razak's salary.
RM22,000-plus is nothing to the PM but it sets a precedent that all elected political office bearers must deliver in their duties, more so with the one holding the highest office.
Will the BN MPs of Sarawak and Sabah be non-partisan and support this motion? Surely, the days will be brighter for Malaysia if it is passed.
Solaris: A month's pay? Wait till Rosmah Mansor hears about this, Tian Chua. You might end up being remembered as Altantianchua!
1M: In Penang, MCA and Gerakan want to deduct RM5 from Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's salary, and here in Parliament you are just playing the same game although the amount is much bigger.
Come on, Tian Chua, you are too big a name to play such silly games. If you want to point out Najib's failures, just do so and we will support you, but please leave out the part about salary deductions.
Free Thinker: RM22,826.65 - with this kind of salary I wonder how come his daughter can go on shopping spree for RM200,000 in Perth recently?
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