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Ministerial rape: Another open verdict
Published:  Jan 9, 2011 8:15 AM
Updated: 12:18 AM

vox populi small thumbnail 'So did she lie when she accused Rais of rape? Or did she lie when she stated that he's a gem of an employer?'

Indonesian maid denies rape by Rais

Soapbox_40a0: The government should drop the Anwar Ibrahim case by the same measure, for all the evidence clearly shows that the man is not guilty. Yes, it has to be a political tit for tat. What else can PKR do but throw the mud and hope it sticks.

Maids will always be maids. They're very convincing even when they lie. So did she lie when she accused Rais Yatim of rape? Or did she lie when she stated that he's a gem of an employer?

Rais should have taken action in 2007 to protect his name, not four years later.

Strange but real: Shame on those, including Pakatan Rakyat people, who accused Rais of rape. There are so many cases these days where people make false accusations, and twist and manipulate words. Don't trust these lies blindly.

Anonymous_1d56: It's incredulous - those political hired hands continue to spew venom even though the victim herself has denied the allegations, and prefer to ‘believe' hearsay and baseless allegations.

Come on, what else do you want? Allegations about Anwar are not true but allegations against others are, even if the ‘victim' denies it?

Luckily these writers here are hired by political parties to spew venom. If they were plain ordinary Malaysians with such ugly attitude, God save Malaysia.

Anonymous: To me, it is an open verdict. The possibility of a cover-up by threat or money is not that far-fetched, given that the accused is a powerful politician. This will be true for any powerful man, especially if that person comes from an organisation as notorious as Umno and as an election looms near.

Having said that, of course Rais could be innocent. But who knows? People who believe he is innocent just by this report alone is the kind of citizen that any government would want.

Pak Lah denies cover-up, 'Rais is innocent'

Changeagent: Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is incorrect to imply that a particular blogger and the opposition had made up the rape allegations. They are only mere messengers. The original source actually came from Migrant Care in Indonesia who put together a report following an in-depth interview with the alleged victim in 2007.

Multi Racial: "Former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today said he had kept silent on the alleged molest case involving Dr Rais Yatim because he was of the opinion that the incident did not take place."

First he said nobody reported to him. Then he said he is of the opinion that the rape did not take place. So good, don't know anything still can have a opinion that Rais Yatim is innocent. If that were the case, we might as well save our money from investing in AG's office and judiciary since we have someone who is able to draw conclusion without knowing anything.

Nicholas Lim: What option does the maid has? She alone against the whole government.

Is S'gor fighting a losing battle over Khusrin?

G: People didn't get bored and tired with ousted Perak MB Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin, they are tired with the judiciary, the royalty, police, and the state secretary in the Perak case.

All BN wants is to prolong their stay in Perak knowing well that in the next general elections they are going to get wiped out. The people have not forget that the moment you are not Umno, even if you were the deputy PM, you can be on the receiving end of bad treatment.

Remember Anwar's black eye? Remember how the speaker V Sivakumar was manhandled and removed by force? How constitutional amendments were passed without a two-thirds majority? How they elected a ‘haram' speaker and MB?

Ask anyone on the street (other than Perkasa or Umno members, that is), and they will just say nothing much can be done except with divine intervention. Pakatan should respond in one way only, that is, whatever it is they should win. Plan very carefully.

Disgusted: It's BN that is fighting a losing battle in Selangor. International Islamic University Malaysia's Tunku Mohar Tunku Muhd Mokhtar's contention that "going against the appointment now is interpreted as going against the palace, and this would cost them the Malay vote", is a fallacy as most Malays in Selangor are educated people who understand what is going on and know good from evil.

They want good governance devoid of corruption with proper systems functioning for the benefit of them.

Guest: I'd like to ask the political analysts this question: Did you all foresee that BN would lose two-thirds' majority in the 12 th general elections? No matter how we see the situation, the tipping point has been reached.

Maybe MB Khalid Ibrahim won't be to get a two-thirds' majority to change the state constitution, but the people in Selangor, and more importantly the palace, would see the truth as it is.

Anonymous_3e68: It is Mohd Khusrin Munawi who should be forced to work with the state government, by its terms, and not the state government having to work with Khusrin. Any differences between them will not be seen by Malays - who are not feudal in thought and action - as an affront to the sultan.

The sultan is a constitutional head with very little say in governing the state. The saying that the king can do no wrong has been relegated to the museums. Similarly a ruler must be made aware of his limitations in a democracy, even if flawed.

Faz: Malaysians, especially thinking Malays, are well aware of their responsibilities to this nation and will rise to put thing right again just as the protest against Malayan Union years ago.

If the royalty thinks that they are better off with Umno, then so be it. Pakatan should should fight for the rights of the rakyat, even if they are manipulated out of power, soon. Don't despair, GE13 will have to come soon enough.


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