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'If what Bala says is true, God help us'
Published:  Nov 21, 2009 7:57 AM
Updated: Nov 21, 2009 4:03 AM

your say 'These series of interviews are credible enough for our attorney-general, police force and MACC to start the investigative ball rolling - if they are courageous and bold enough, that is.'

'I was told Rosmah was happy with my retraction'

Multi Racial: He mentioned specific names and specific times. I suppose his story is credible. If what he says is true, God helps us.

Roti John: I have read the interview series from part one to five and I hope part five will not be the last one. I've tried to find discrepancies and fictional elements in these interviews, but I've found none.

These series of interviews are credible enough for our attorney-general, police force and MACC to start the investigative ball rolling - if they are courageous and bold enough, that is.

Louis: Now that private investigator P Balasubramaniam is sticking to his first statutory declaration, what action are the police going to take against those implicated in his revelations? Sweep these allegations into the dustbin?

Inspector-General of Police, this is a very, very serious accusation. You can't afford to dismiss these allegation as rumours or hearsay. Prove your credibility as a top law enforcer or otherwise resign.

Dr Jacob George: These interviews are pure, unadulterated blackmail and hogwash - nothing more, nothing less - conducted and spread by a lowlife who is angry that his ultimate aim for a financial windfall did not materialise.

As far as the law is concerned (thanks to his twist and turns), whatever he now says will be shred to bits under cross-examination. And that is the least of his worries, legally speaking.

Fair: Why is everybody so ready to believe Bala? Is he such a significant witness? Did he witness a murder or something? Not really.

This is just a guy who is being used by certain quarters to prop up their sagging image. I do not have to tell you who. This entire charade is the work of a big shot lowlife who will be on trial soon although he's trying to avoid it. You can run, but you can't hide.

And you P Balasubramaniam, you can come and go but no one has done anything to you. Have you ever wondered why? Because you are no better than the others who feel they can use you to distract the public and create an illusion.

Your facts are too well-planned out and not because they're true. This is all ‘wayang' and who prints it? The other missing link, Raja Petra Kamarudin. Go figure it out, boys and girls.

Mc Farland: Over to you, Mr Prime Minister and First Lady. We believe Bala more than your swearing, denials, denials, and more denials. It takes tremendous courage to speak the truth, and what's more, in such detail.

Chipmunk: Wow, PI P Balasubramaniam, are you that frustrated because they short-changed you by RM4.25 million or because you really, really wanted to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Whatever your answer is, I am sure from now on, your life and that of your family's will be scrutinised by the royal guards of Umno (PDRM) and the hounds (MACC).

Let's see what the IGP is going to do now. As usual, they will say that even though it looks like a crime, it technically cannot be counted as one, or that the key witness is missing, or some other nonsense. All of them live in a state of denial.

Josephine: If what he says is true, then coming forward to reveal all this is a form of insurance to save his neck. Think about it. If P Balasubramaniam remains ‘lost', what's there to stop someone from silencing him forever? Of course, we venture into the realm of fiction here, right?

BNGuy: PI P Balasubramaniam, your story is perfect for Bollywood. Go sell your fiction to them. I'm sure you will receive more than RM5 million.

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