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'But what if Najib delivers?'
Published:  Apr 29, 2009 10:52 AM
Updated: Apr 30, 2009 2:17 AM

vox populi big thumbnail ‘While I dislike the man, I do like his economic policies - so far. This is a particular tricky dilemma since it is so tempting to forgive someone just as long as he produces the results year after year.'

On 30% bumi equity lifted for 27 service sectors

Yih Feng Low: I am writing to express my personal approval of the Najib administration in its recent moves to liberalise Malaysia's markets.

I think Malaysia's many industries have been protected for too long, breeding inefficiencies and uncompetitiveness.

It is good to see us distancing ourselves from a centrally-planned economy in favour of a free market capitalist economy.

I think if the government continues to liberalise the economy, it will set the foundation for continued economic growth. This goes in line with Najib's assertion earlier that the era of ‘government knows best' is over.

Well, at least it is true in terms of the economy. Most of our leaders still feel the urge to go around the country telling people what to do. And our state-owned media is all too happy to report on our leaders' lectures on life.

I join others in condemning the many acts of Najib in recent years (the bullying of the people of Perak and the handling of the Altantuya case among other things).

It paints a picture of a sinister and ruthless man who would do anything to get ahead of others. While I dislike the man, I do like his economic policies - so far.

All this might turn into the interesting scenario where Najib continues to be the man everyone hates but somehow he delivers results in terms of economic growth.

This is a particular tricky dilemma since it is so tempting to forgive someone just as long as he produces the results year after year.

In many ways it is similar to the political landscape in Singapore where one party (indeed one family) rule with an iron fist but people are willing to tolerate it for economic performance.

On Walk in our shoes PM, see through our eyes

Dian Abdullah: Once a month, King Abdullah of Jordan would mingle with his people in disguise, with only one bodyguard along, so that he could see the real world they are living in.

He would then call in his ministers and give them a lashing for the lack of service. After three warnings, he would demote them.

Back home here in Malaysia, our prime ministers past and present would walk and show off with an entourage of 20 excluding the press. Why the big show off?

We do not care and do not want another excuse for heavy traffic or congestion in town.

The people want to have enough money to put food on the table, education for their children, a house to stay in, affordable public utilities especially water which right now comes dirty and muddy.

We do not want and are not happy with the government giving free money to certain elite Malays for nine generations. We want these elite Malays to compete with us to see whether they can actually work.

We want a leader who is willing to work for the people's interests. To do so, this leader must cut off completely all forms of unfair support to these elite Malays.

Do we have one such leader by the name of Najib Abdul Razak? Well, actions speak louder than words.

On Back to High Court for MB vs MB

Frankly Xroy: I think Najib should let the people decide who should be the menteri besar of Perak. Enough is enough.

I shall refrain from making any statements about the what the courts have said and done so far, but this big circus has been going on for too long.

The people of Perak, in the meantime, are without a state government. It looks like Najib is happier that they be without one.

The speaker declared the seats vacant and it is not within the purview of the Election Commission or the judiciary to say otherwise.

The EC is duty-bound to call for fresh by-elections. That this did not happen is a clear indication of an incompetent EC or an EC directed and controlled by BN.

Now, the high court will hear Nizar's petition but whichever way it ends is of little or no significance because the losing party will appeal. Then we await the appeal and so on and so forth.

Whilst BN proclaims that they are right, the sanctity of the ballot box is not respected. If an MP or a state assembly person ‘hops' he must do so with the consent of his/her electorate.

The only way he/she can do so is to go back to the ballot box.

PM Najib must show the country he is prepared for this and although I know his ‘chief advisor' will attack him if he does, he must prove to all Malaysians that he is fair and even-handed.

On Q&A: It's like a children's story

The Healer: ‘Malaysiakini: We are going back to the question of the process of democracy, ultimately the voters should decide on that, it should not be decided by three people who had defected.

Zambry: ‘No, who are the voters that you are talking about?'

Is Zambry ignorant or arrogant or both? What a rhetorical question to ask! Surely the voters referred to are the people of Perak?

How could it be refer to the state representatives of Perak when the question of democracy is regarding the formation of a state government?

For your info, Zambry, the primary issue is not so much about defection (although defections should be questioned).

It was the manner of which the due process of the house was not followed. Why not table a motion of ‘no confidence' in the house before meeting the sultan?

Suppose the speaker rejected the motion, it would most certainly reflect badly on Pakatan, assuming the defection of the three were supported by the people themselves (as you claim).

On Najib: Decision soon on Penanti

Rakyat: Mr Najib, it really does not matter what you decide or who you chose to stand at Penanti. You still don't get it, do you?

It is not the candidate. It is Umno. The rakyat is fed-up with Umno's corruption and racism.

If you go on living in this dream world of yours, you will be the first PM of Malaysia to be booted out when and if you seek re-election.

You are surrounded by those who will not tell you the truth about how much the rakyat despises Umno. Open your eyes and look at how much discord there is in Malaysia.

On Latest flu outbreak an American plot

Progress At Any Cost: Tamiflu seems to be a drug extracted from star anise and is not a vaccine. Star anise is a strong spice available locally.

Vaccines can be harmful to healthy children. CAP highlighted this a few years ago. There were TV programmes highlighting the occurrence of autism seemingly triggered by vaccination.

In other countries, some parents routinely exercise their right to reject vaccination for their children.

Unintended reactions to medical treatments for a small percentage of patients is considered normal.

So if all 27 million Malaysians receive a vaccine and 0.1% fall very ill or die, that would be normal, even though it amounts to 27,000 people.

On Editors curious why M'sians don't believe Najib

Frank Teh:

Firstly, we in Malaysia could not care less what the writer or his country writes in their papers.

Their journalists are corrupted, as they get paid to write all these stories. If our PM is not important to you at all, then why write unless you are paid to do so?

Be certain that corruption, started in the West and people like you got the gall to claim we Asians do it?

I am not upset with the writer; I just feel insulted that we get articles written in their papers and then they can claim to be uninterested in us.

Kindly pay attention to your own countries' problems and scandals, like the killing of not one person but hundreds of thousands in Iraq and in many other nations.

Your prime ministers have bloody hands and with more proof of guilt than the so-called guilt of our PM.

Fill your newspapers all you want with our pythons and our beaches as that is exactly what we want you to do.

And since our PM is not of importance to you, then why bother to comment or even defend yourselves against Rais Yatim's comments?

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