From Our Readers

If someone were to bulldoze your house, confiscate your land and kill your son, would you want to articipate in a "peace process"? Thus I question the premise upon which the whole Palestinian-Israeli charade is built. The only party really sincere in accepting Israel's "right to exist" is Israel. Muslims believe only in the Jewish people's right to exist (as long as they behave themselves).

But then, both committing suicide and killing civilians are not permitted in Islam. The perpetrators of the brutal slayings of scores of innocent Israelis will never secure international legitimacy, let alone sympathy. They're simply handing the moral higher ground to Israel on a silver platter.

The only solution is for all Muslims to unite and go to war with Israel - without killing civilians or destroying synagogues, and by treating prisoners well, the way of Prophet Muhammad.

God willing, I'll get to see that in my lifetime. Fifty years down the road, who knows?

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