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If there was a single good policy that Dr Mahathir Mohamad had produced over his 22 years in power, it would probably be the 2001 Urban Storm Water Management Manual or Manual Saliran Mesra Alam (MSMA).

According to the interpretation of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID), the MSMA incorporates the control-at-source approach for storm water management. This approach utilises detention/retention to temporary store some of the water, infiltration to reduce the runoff and purification to improve the water quality reaching the river system. With this new approach, the impact of new developments on the quality and quantity of runoff can be minimised.

The goal of this manual is to provide guidance to all regulators, planners and designers who are involved in storm water management. It identifies a new direction for storm water management in urban areas in Malaysia.

From Jan 1, 2001 onward, all new developments in Malaysia are mandated to comply with this new guideline that requires the application of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control storm water from the aspect of quantity and quality runoff to achieve zero development impact contribution.

But seven years later, the occurrence of flash floods in Malaysia have not diminished at all and the situation continues to deteriorate to the extent where even Penang Hill was flooded once.

The MSMA, if implemented properly, will help eliminate the piecemeal approach of past construction practises by giving sufficient attention to the interrelationship between various elements of those projects or fully consider whether the project will provide an integrated level of flood protection for the area.

One may tend to ask why the flood situation continues to deteriorate if there is such a good policy in place.

The fundamental flaw is due to the strange interpretation of the DID over the design, concepts, criteria and regulatory requirements of the MSMA. There was also an uproar from the Real Estate and Housing Developers Association (Rehda) of Kuala Lumpur over KL City Hall’s decision to make it mandatory for property developers to construct underground water tanks for rainwater storage at residential and commercial properties as part of the city’s flood alleviation plan.

The MSMA never endorsed the idea of utilising detention/retention facilities to temporarily store some of the water. What the MSMA wants to achieve is to ensure that developers, architects and builders are required to address storm water runoff issues in terms of providing analytical forecasts of the changes in overland flow, stream discharge and use of correct BMPs (Best Management Practices) related to particular projects. Best Management Practices (BMPs) are any procedure, protocol, structural device or site design that prevents or mitigates storm water runoff.

The on-site detention facilities as recommended in the MSMA are meant to harvest rainwater for future usage. The on-site detention facilities, when integrated, with community and regional detention facilities are part of the components for a water treatment solution.

One good example is the NUwater project of Singapore. But here in KL, we don’t see any indication that the DID is working with the relevant water authority in identifying the sites for building community or regional detention facilities nor any plans to build a water reclamation plant.

The DID has not considered what will happen when all those detention/retention facilities start to flush out the water after the rain subsides. Flushing storm water back into the drainage system will eventually lead to flooding. You may say that no flash floods have occurred but flooding will only occur after a delay of several hours. Technically speaking, there will be no more flash floods - only delayed floods.

The DID committed another mistake by limiting the enforcement of the regulatory requirement of MSMA to only new project or new developments. This explains why all the flood mitigation projects endorsed by the DID do not take into consideration MSMA-recommended flash flood solutions.

No person could reasonably interpret the provisions of the MSMA in the manner which DID does, which is inconsistent with the principles of adaptive management articulated in the MSMA.

The failure of most flood mitigation plans so far is not a result of a lack of scientific technological knowledge, but rather of a fundamental flaw in how the authorities interpret the MSMA. When flood mitigation plans are applied as now, they are doomed to be ineffective in the best of cases and counter-productive at the worst.

The primary flood mitigation solution of the DID is river dredging. Each time a river has been straightened, dredged, bermed, and armoured to mitigate flood damage without respect for the physical form and function of its channel and flood plain, adjustments were set in motion that, more often than not, led to further erosion.

For a straightened river in Malaysia’s geologic setting, it is only a matter of time before a flood drops a very large load of sediment at some point along its course. The wedge of sediment that builds in the channel during the recession of the flood waters may cause the river to avulse, or leave the channel, and cut back through the landscape from the point where it returns to the channel further downstream.

These events can erode river banks tens of feet and sometimes create whole new channels through adjacent lands.

We will then find ourselves in an unending and escalating cycle of spending billions of ringgit to maintain river channels, repair and rebuild flood damaged roads and bridges and protecting adjacent land uses from destruction by erosion or flooding but only to see these river management investments fail during the next flood or result in increased damage elsewhere.

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