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I refer to the Malaysiakini article Where will Mahathir be on Sept 16?

I am writing to congratulate Helen Ang on her excellent writing. But I must say that her article will read like rhetoric to a lot of readers of Malaysiakini .

I would also like to add that she must be from the privileged few who received an education in one of the top universities in the west and was probably born after 1969. Only Helen knows the answer to this.

The things that set people like Helen apart is a typical western educated mind, plus a belief or perception of a what a perfect world is.

I recommend that she gets a grip on herself, and before she chastises Dr Mahathir, she should always learn from her elders that just looking at the bad in others is not the way to judge people, what more a great leader.

Many historians claim honour and respect for Chairman Mao, but I am not at liberty to judge him, as I only read about his bad points and his passion for communal politics.

I certainly do not consider that enough to brand him a bad leader, as he fought for his native land and freed it from Tyranny. Technically, he is a legend.

Don't take Dr Mahathir’s words at face value. He is 82-years-old or so and has no plans to move anywhere and is not afraid of anyone. He will also not apologise to anyone, simply because he has nothing to apologise for. Also he does not fear Anwar Ibrahim.

As to his remark that he will not remain in Malaysia if Anwar takes over, young lady, you are naive. He made the remark to tell us that Malaysia will be not the same again if Anwar takes over, and not that he wants to get out of town.

For all your intelligence, you cannot see his meaning, and I can tell you and people like you that all of you are no match for him, even on his bad day.

At 82, he wants to blog, and you say he blogs like all of us. Are you saying that only special people like you can blog and say what you want and he cannot?

He dares to blog and don’t forget he was the one who first espoused the importance of the Internet and the information technology industry. All this while the opposition called his plans like Cyberjaya and so on lunacy.

He controlled the mainstream media so that our sensitive multi-racial country, remained peaceful. Racial and religious sentiments are important, and let me tell you as a non-Muslim, my religion is important to me, and I do not like anybody making disparaging comments about it.

A true leader will die believing in what he did for his country. The guilty keep quiet or plead their innocence but not Dr Mahathir. He speaks because he is guilty of nothing. He ran this country as best as he could and we were a wealthy and prosperous nation during his tenure.

The rakyat chose Dr Mahathir as their leader, and just because you did not , does not make you right and all of us wrong. Just to refresh your memory, Malaysians chose him no less than four times at the ballot box. We had a right to choose and we did.

So, all you Helens out there, don't think the show is over, it never is until the fat lady sings, and to tell you the truth , the fat lady is nowhere in sight. I hope you enjoy your new government, that's if you get one, as you will soon receive a reality check.

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